Question?: Hi all hope everyone is ok :-) I just... - Headway


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19 Replies

Hi all hope everyone is ok :-) I just wanted to ask a quick question does anyone find areas on your head that feel really bruised and then it goes in a couple of days. Its like I've hit my head but I know I haven't. Also I get head pains or feeling of pressure in just one side of my head.

19 Replies
malalatete profile image

Yes, frequently, usually before, during and after migraine or headache (so that's most days then...)

Scalp exercises help to reduce the tension as does gentle massage. I find a wheat bag on the neck (hot) together with a damp flannel on the eyes or top of the head helps with the pain (mainly by confusing my senses I think).

I always wash my hair wih lukewarm water and massage the scalp really really gently in circles.

Mind you I have stupid pain sensation everywhere - mere finger pressure is too much on upper arms, thighs, neck, shoulders... but my head almost stings.

Often my scalp feels really hot too. I don't know if that is connected.

in reply to malalatete

Hi :-) I do the head massages and cold packs, I have to be careful with any heat as it has made things worse. I guess the best thing for me is just resting. These sort of problems and questions just get ignored by any doctor I have seen. They have ignored my problems eating and try to say it might be emotional. They always seem to try and put everything down to emotions. When everything happened to me, my consultant said to me that I must feel low and have no confidence. Despite everything I had gone through the only thing that kept me going was my determination and my confidence in myself. So I told him no actually its the opposite. Bloody doctors always try and make it that (pardon the pun) 'all in our heads' :-(

I've learnt to just get on with things, but questions like this kindly answered by people like yourself is much appreciated :-)

Kavib profile image

I used to get that a lot in the early stages of recovery but not as much now. I also used to get gentle head massages but only after the consultant had approved that it was ok . I would get it checked out just in case. X

in reply to Kavib

Morning, I do a light massage on my head or I will just let it settle. I have spoke to my neurologist and my gp and both have just ignored it. The pressure In my head my gp tried to claim it was a neuralgic pain. I have had some things said to me by doctors that come across as a fob off. They forget that we actually know our own bodies x

Iwona084 profile image

Hi. I have similar thing every few days, then it goes away by itself. Sometimes it feels like having an apple inside; pressure and tension is high then it starts to hurt. Sometimes it is feeling of numbness or tickling. My neurologist said it is migrenous aura. I used to have migraine prior to BI and always on the left side, these feelings I am describing are on the right side and started to appear about a year or even more after BI. I spent time with the doctors and had different diagnoses but the last neurologist here in the UK (but a polish one :))) said this is the aura. He advised then to take rest, have a strong small coffee and if there is pain take two paracetamols with the coffee. Usually it actually works. I am not really drinking coffee so maybe that is why it has an effect. But anyway, your case may be different. One more thing - I often get tension and stiffness in the neck area and releasing that stress there also helps my head. I was also advised to keep a diary of what I eat and drink as the aura could be caused by it. Noticed few times I felt this few hours after eating grapes or having wine. Let me know how it is going for you and what actually helps!

in reply to Iwona084

Morning, I have never heard of someone telling you to have a coffee. I use to have migraines years ago and was always told to avoid something like coffee as it dehydrates you. I always use to drink loads of water, touch wood I haven't had a migraine for years. The bruised feeling I can live with, and my partner who has a more severe bi explained to me that he does get them too. I hate it when I get the pressure it feels like a pain and pressure runs from my head and down my spine. But my head feels like its having something pushing on it. But then I feel so vacant, you can ask me something and I can't answer or feel anything. Its just something I guess I have to live with it :-)

I hope your ok today x

Iwona084 profile image
Iwona084 in reply to

The migrenous aura is a little bit different. It can end as pain so it was to be stopped. Some of the most efficient drug for me contained coffeinum and codeinum, so when you get paracetamol and small strong coffee it works the same and you don't have to take painkiller. It works for me but only before the pain hits really. Once it develops nothing helps and you are right - you have to stay hydrated then.

RogerCMerriman profile image

The line of the fracture, i.e. from top left to bottom right in a line does ache now and then, sometimes less ache more pain, sometimes is sensitive to touch, sometimes is fleeting others it hangs around for days.

It has got better as time, has gone on, it's generally less common now.

in reply to RogerCMerriman

I guess we just learn to live with these pains. My partner has a small piece of his skull detached and floats around. When it gets to the front of his head it give him a lot of pain, and he's told he has to live with that

paxo05 profile image

A big YES. Get the soreness and pressure.

In fact you have hit the nail on the head...No pun intended. I was told it is a small pressure build up.

The pressure comes on mainly when tired. As for the tenderness......If you find an answer let me know.

My tendernessay is over the area that I had my impact, but after nearly 18 years I would have thought it would have full healed.


in reply to paxo05

I wondered if the tenderness was down to nerve endings. I saw on tv once what the brain looks like when someone has a migraine and it looks like electric charges shooting down the nerves. I wonder if our brains do something like that and the aftermath is a bruised tender feeling on our heads. Mine are mainly on the left side. Its funny when I have the pain, pressure or seizure it is always worse on the left side, but leaves my right side weak. I read online that the left side of your brain controls the right, and the right the left

paxo05 profile image
paxo05 in reply to

Sounds like an explication. I have asked several consultants but never goT a straight answer. Unless I suffer the pain whilst they can examine me then it's hard for them to be certain is the usual reply. Not helpful at all.

Mine is always on the right and I suffer numbness on my left so agree about opposite sides of the brain controling rest of body.

If I am honest and it may seem strance ...But I think I would miss my headache's after all these years.

AlexBee profile image
AlexBee in reply to

Hi Angie,

You're correct, the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body and vice versa.


jacs17 profile image

get e shooting pains then a bloody pain last few days which makes me drop to the floor like e;lectric shock just shoots full blast on my head im ok,with the little pains its this enormous,shooting electric pain that makes you actually fall to your knees,as so bloody past pain ,anyone know what this can be ?if drinking caffeine was good for it then I wouldn't have it as im a tea drinker

CuriousConnie profile image
CuriousConnie in reply to jacs17

jacs17 The shooting pains you describe could be 'ice-pick' headaches which are also known as suicide headaches. I experience these & whilst I haven't yet fallen I do find myself having to hold onto whatever surface I can grab & having to wipe tears from my eyes. The pain is simply intense agony.

Best wishes


jacs17 profile image

how do you relieve it curiousconnie,as its like being hit with the bat all over again its that excruiatingly,painful;it wipes me clean out ?im actually screaming in agony an have to hold onto something as its so bloody intensely boomed,im floored

CuriousConnie profile image
CuriousConnie in reply to jacs17

So sorry for delay in reply jacs17 I'm sorry to say i haven't yet found a reliable method of relief, I'm about to make appointment with GP to discuss pain relief as my current prescription not suitable. I currently have 500mg Naproxen & whenever i experience the intense stabbing pain, i can take one tablet twice in a day. These have never fully killed the pain, but they do calm me down slightly (i couldn't say if that is simply placebo effect). Recently these pills have caused me the side effect of a swollen face, lips & inside of mouth. I've always wanted fuller lips but this is an unpleasant way :-) You described your pain experience as being hit by a bat, mine feels as though I'm being stabbed by a knife /ice-pick. The pain does make me cry, especially if i have multiple stabs. Even individual stabs bring tears to my eyes. I press down on the painful area in an attempt to slightly dull the pain, only makes a slight difference but every little helps. Afterwards the area where the stabs occured feels tender to touch & can be so sore i can't brush or wash my hair. I've often not been ​able to do so for upto three days. Like you, i always feel wiped out by an episode. I would urge you speak to your GP regarding pain management / relief. Have you researched Ice-pick / suicide headache on the internet? I found it beneficial. Please let me know if you find anything that helps you.

Best wishes


Matt2584 profile image

Hi Angie,

I have had a fair few operations on my head due to 2 brain tumours. Idon't get any feelings of bruising on my head but where my scar is, at the back of my head, I can feel a solid lump. I'm not sure if that is the tumour as my first tumour calcified. It basically turned into bone and is no longer active. So it could be the lump I feel.

My second tumour/cyst, which was next to the original tumour, was split in half.

After one of my operations it felt like I had been smacked on the head real hard cos whenever I touched this area of my head it felt slightly sore.

And after another of my operations I had this very strange feeling in my head where whenever I turned my head, the muscles at the top of my head felt as if they were tearing.

Sounds kind of dodgy but these feelings have gone now. They were years ago now and I suppose it was just routine or something.

Take care,


Ghost-on-point profile image

Really thankyou for filling in the Blanks in the various variety of headache types I have... I think possibly I had my first " pokey bruised brain " feeling type headache! It was your post that made me be more aware. Normally just my micro head-storms. I have a private headache diary, I'm trying recently to keep up with the more "be bothered" types. But it for my records only. Been out very rare, big outdoor party. Having to hold on lasses arm occasionally with disco flashing lights my balance slightly off wi it. No point explaining... They think it's drink. Wasn't in mood dancing. Head wasn't having it. I'm a Great pretender to others about camouflaging what's really wanted by the pea soup head.

Anyhow, got to try close eyes & wake up feeling blank instead of rested.

For All you folks with a warm Soul to cuddle / wake upto ( including pets) your so fortunate.

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