Making some headway today (pardon the pun) - Headway


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Making some headway today (pardon the pun)

16 Replies

Today I feel like there has been a step forward made with getting some support for my partner. He has received a letter from the brain injury unit and has been offered an appointment this thursday for an assessment. As I can't go with him, I have written a detailed letter for him to take. I wanted to give them the full picture of what I've observed and the impact on home live, and my health. My partner is known for forgetting details, playing things down. He gets a lot of information wrong, he's done it the past about himself and for me. We also had a visit from our care coordinator, she sat and had a good chat with him. He is going to join a walking group set up by Mind, and next Wednesday he will start to attend a Man in shed group, and is on the list to join another group where they work on an allotment. All these things are interests to him. He will be calm and relaxed, get to mix with people and we both get to have some space, so we both win.

I just need to find some energy from somewhere to be able to get up :-)

16 Replies

Hi Angie. Rather than send the letter with him which he may forget and the assessor may not have time to read, phone up for the e-mail address of the person's secretary and e-mail the letter to her so she can pass it to him. The assessor can then read it beforehand and be up-to-date on everything you need him to know.

Hope it goes well.

Jan x

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Hi Jan that would be a good idea but the appointments tomorrow morning and taking into account any other appointments before my partners which is at 10am, he will be there. I have stapled the letter to his forms that he knows he has to take with him. Plus I do have to drill it into him how important the appointment is and that they have lots of information.

Thank you though xx

Fantastic, make sure you go out and have a treat yourself while he's getting well looked after

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I can't go out on my own as I'm in a wheelchair, but I will enjoy some me time :-)

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Definitely time for you x

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If I lived nearby I'd come and take you out in your wheelchair, I am used to it as my mum is in one. I think you live a long way from me though!


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Oh bless you hun thats lovely especially with everything you have to deal with xx im in Derbyshire hun :-)

\i'm sure Derbyshire is a long way away! I live one hour south of London, between London and Brighton. Very nice here but very expensive place to live - not funny when you are on a pension.

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That is a lovely area, but like you say expensive. There is some lovely countryside on my doorstep. I love the peak district, you just feel you can breath up there and I love having nature around. I always say to my partner that if I won the euro millions I buy land in the countryside have a house built that makes life easy for me and my disability. But I would love a wheelchair friendly beautiful garden and fruit and veg patch and fields for rescued horses & donkeys and I would be in heaven :-)

If I won the euromillions (and that would be a miracle as I don't buy a ticket), I would buy each of my grandchildren a house. Two of them have to live in London, they both work there - one is a staff nurse in the chemo unit at Guys, the other works in public relations and meets all the rich and famous. The boys all live in cheaper areas, but still here in the South. With 7 of them I wouldn't get much change, would I!! I would only want animals if I could have someone to look after them as they are such a tie. My daughter had lots of horses when she was a kid and they were a real pain. I suppose I could make it into a business - maybe a riding school. We took my mother to the local llama park at the weekend and there they charge £50 for a family of 4 to walk with the llamas for 30 mins so there is definitely money to be made there! Except that I don't particularly like horses or llamas. Particularly llamas as they fart one end and spit the other! Pretty faces though.

Hope all goes well tomorrow.

Jan x

moo196 profile image

Hope things go well...good idea to send him with letter.....make sure you have asked for a return email address so you can ask more questions without an appointment.

Other gardening ideas sound good too.

Onwards!! ☺ ☺

cat3 profile image

Great post Angie ! I hope your partner's assessment goes well, and the letter is a brilliant touch ! The future sounds positive for him .................hope you enjoy some space (with Coco of course !) Cat xx

in reply to cat3

Hi Cat she follows me round or snuggles up with me, she is very precious. I am glad about my partner but I do have a little apprehension. Before with help for either of us it has been one step forward and three steps back. I really hope we have turned a corner. If he has help, support and interests then it takes a lot of pressure off me.

I hope you are well, I bet your whizzing around on those crutches xx

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to

I'm getting there Angie ! Got an appt. at the fracture clinic next week when I get the full, hard cast. Oh well, only 5 weeks 1 day to go ! :o

Fingers & everything else crossed for your man. xxx

in reply to cat3

Oh bless you its definitely no fun being in a cast, make sure you've got a good stick for any itching you get :-)

I had a good chat to him before he went, that he shouldn't hold anything back and this is his opportunity after nine years of coping without receiving support from the nhs. They owe him the support, its long overdue

Take care hun xx

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to

;-) xx

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