Medical marijauna does it again.: - Headway


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Medical marijauna does it again.

Matt2584 profile image
19 Replies

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Matt2584 profile image
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19 Replies
cat3 profile image

You know how one subject leads to another online Matt. Well I had big plans for this afternoon but, since taking a look at your post at lunchtime today, I've done absolutely nothing except read about GM foods and the evil Monsanto company. It's something close to your heart I know so (if you haven't already) take a look at 'The Complete History Of Monsanto' on the 'GlobalResearch' site ; It's mind-blowing !

And it ties in perfectly with your post about the marijuana treatment ; you'll see why if you read the article on GlobalResearch.

I have to admit to a degree of cynicism 'til I clicked on the Huffington Post link and watched the video of the child's physician, and the scans showing 4 stages of the tumour shrinking and disappearing.

How wonderful that something so simple can reverse critical illness, but how tragic that multimillion dollar corporations can buy off top government officials to prevent its availability. It's a massive subject and one which needs to be in the grip of trustworthy, incorruptible hands................know of any ?? xx

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to cat3

Hi Cat,

I'm sorry if my post ruined your big plans and I hope you get to do finish them sometime soon.

I have had a brief look at Monsanto's evil history and they have covered a heck of a lot, hundreds of things.

I posted the marijuana article, and other articles in the past, not exactly because I just happened to stumble on the article and thought it would help but because more people should know about this.

I have known, ever since I joined this forum, that cannabis is THE cure-all natural medicine and more research is being done all the time on all sorts of natural foods. It's not just cannabis that can cure cancer but others can kill or prevent cancer cells.

One thing I try to stick by now is keeping an alkaline body. That's why I try to eat much more naturally now.

There is a man from Canada called Rick Simpson who is devoted to cannabis and getting the knowledge out there of this remarkable plant. He has apparently cured over 5000 cancer patients using cannabis.

BUT governments across the world have made cannabis illegal and the people are told by mainstream news that cannabis is a dangerous drug which it is not.

It's all to do wih money at the end of it all. Money, money, money.

I find it sickening how everything is about money. I am not a religious person but I do agree with a quote from the bible "The love for money is the root of all evil".

Take care,


cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to Matt2584

There's always tomorrow for what was neglected today................and knowledge is more valuable than what was planned. Thanks Matt for an interesting afternoon !

Let me know what you think if you get chance to read the Monsanto article. x

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to cat3

Knowledge is power :).

I don't really have a lot of knowledge about most things really. I am quite a simplistic person, I prefer things to be easy and simple. People can be the reason for overcomplicating things.

A spade is a spade for me :).

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to cat3

Hi Cat,

Like I was saying before, I do know of the history of Monsanto and they have covered a lot, over a hundred years of evil deeds. I'm briefly looking through their work again and read about Agent Orange, that was used in the Vietnam war. This reminded me of a man called Paul Gautchy, I think that is how you spell it. He has a lush garden. He made a video called "Back to Eden". You should watch it sometime. It is the most easiest way to garden and the true way to garden, I think. In basic terms, composting is key. The more worms you have in your soil/earth, the better your garden will grow. The way to compost people are told on tv or in magazines is good but is not a greatly helpful way. Me and my mum compost anything that is biodegradable and instead of putting it all in a compost bin, we break it down first via a blender, nutribullet, food processor into a smoothy consistency, take it out back, make a hole in the earth and poor the smoothie in it and bury it. The worms love it and we have thousands of worms, which leads to much better planting and intern, growing more REAL food.

Anyhow I digress, the reason it reminded me of Paul is because he has got a limp and he uses his one and only tool, his rake, as support. In one video I saw on Youtube, he was talking about his limp and he says that it was a result of Agent Orange as he was in the Vietnam war. Agent Orange had affected him in a way where the signals in his brain to his leg were not working properly or something along those lines.

Aspartame is on the list and I don't know if you remember some posts I had made in the past were about Aspartame. Aspartame is a disgusting sweetener and I can't stand it. Aspartame is in quite a few food/drinks, especially diet drinks. I chew chewing gum a lot when I am walking around because where I cannot naturally close my mouth, my mouth gets dry quick, so chewing gum helps moisten my mouth. Anyhow, I used to chew Airwaves gum... Not anymore. Not until I found Aspartame is amongst the list of ingredients. I now chew a gum that is 100% Aspartame free and it uses Xylitol sugar which is a healthier option rather than refined sugar. I did read once that the name of Aspartame was changing to Amino sweet to fool the public. Whether that was true or not I don't know. There is a lot of truth and a lot of untruth out there.

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to Matt2584

Sounds interesting Matt. I'll take a look and get back to you later. x

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to cat3

What a passionate man Paul Gautschi is. I can really relate to his ethic because whereas he refers to his extensive garden as 'Eden' I always call mine 'My little bit of paradise'. The difference is he attributes everything to God whereas, for me, it's just nature & nothing to do with intelligent design.

It was interesting hearing him speak of his survival after contact with Agent Orange and how so many others have either died or become severely disabled...........all down to poor diet he claims.

For a mild mannered guy it was interesting to hear his cynicism about US government policy .................. 'There's no real interest in making people well ; there's no money in it'. x

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to cat3

He does seem like a lovely person doesn't he. I am the same as you though when he speaks about how great god is and so on. My mum has said it to, she has watched some of his tours on youtube and she would say that he is interesting to watch but he is a bit to goddy (meaning religious in other words).

I agree with him about a lot health problems coming from poor diet. I look back at when I had my first operations on my first tumour. I saw my GP not long after and he said my tumour had been growing all my life. I was nearly 12 when he said that so I'm guessing the tumour would have taken 6,8,10,12 years to grow. Then just 2 years later I am diagnosed with another tumour that is roughly the same size! Something doesn't quite sound right about that and back then I had a poor, sugar-filled diet like most kids back then.

That is basically what the world is about today. Governments, corps, agencies and so on are all out to make money. Another interesting thing to look at would be Big Pharma and how they say cancer is a business.

I sometimes watch the tv show 'The Apprentice' only because it makes good tv I suppose. I could never go on the apprentice and if I had no problems at all I still wouldn't go on The Apprentice. In actual fact, I don't really like the idea of The Apprentice. More people making money. I think it's kind of funny (only because it is really quite pathetic) how people go nuts over wanting a bunch of material. That is all money is at the end of the day, material.

TiredNan profile image

I got sidetracked like Cat as well.... always good to read alternative theories.

I was rather taken with the article alongside for "Crepey knees" lol!

Must be my age....:)

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to TiredNan

Sorry if you got sidetracked too, Nan. Twas not my intention :)

TiredNan profile image

Matt... getting sidetracked is great!

Takes my mind off the evening news. hope you are ok :)

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to TiredNan

It can be gtreat to get sidetracked, not all the time though. Especially if there is something quite important to do.

I am well though thanks :). Resting a bit now as earlier in the day I was out at my other disabled group.

Hope you are well too :).

Take care,


Iwona084 profile image

Is medical cannabis legal and prescribed in the uk?

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to Iwona084

Sadly Iowona it is not legal :(. Not yet anyhow. I've heard that our government are in talks right now about it though.

I would want cannabis to be legal here, I believe that it could help in many ways. And also I do not think that many people really know all about the cannabis plant, marijauna and hemp and their slight differences.

Iwona084 profile image
Iwona084 in reply to Matt2584

The cannabis oil is legal in poland even though we have very strict conservative government. I would expect that here it would be legal too. Im really looking forward to that, one of my friends had ephilepsy which helped him a lot to reduce seizures and actually he managed to build up his confidence again.

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to Iwona084

Well, according to what I have read, cannabis is the cure-all natural treatment. It makes you wonder why governments make it illegal in the first place.

jacs17 profile image
jacs17 in reply to Matt2584

I told my gp;once legal here to take my morphine,back an medicate me on it asap; I know the benefits turn Adhd,brain to normal functioning,fibromya;lgia it alleviates,greatly an muscles relaxes them like no other

jacs17 profile image

Matt it cures alot of brain problems too or eliminates alot of what were feeling,as I have also used oil though not legal;benefits our amazing,just so expensive an nhs;will not fund or even legalise marajuana,in UK so alas us unless we do it illegally,cannot have it

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to jacs17

Yes, that is correct jacs, it does cure a lot of brain problems/disorders. Seniors use cannabis for glaucoma.

I have used, what was pictured as cannabis oil, but once delivered turned out to be hemp oil. Hemp is from the cannabis plant but clearly does not have the correct compounds like the rest of the the plant.

I have also used the CBD capsules which I hoped were going to be more effective but for me they weren't. I'm not in masses of pain each day or anything like that so maybe I did not notice much of the effects of the capsules.

I have nerve damage and the muscles on the right side of my face are weak, my right eye has permanently turned inward and right hand muscles are a bit weak too. I was hoping really that the CBD capsules would help with my nerves but it seems you need more than just the capsules.

I was looking through RecoveringH 's profile and looking at some of their older posts and read one about the fungus "Lion's mane" which sounded interesting. Might have to look more into that one.

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