Well, 2002 I had an accident in work where 2 pallets of radiators were pushed off the back of a lorry but landed on me, I suffered a bleed on the brain, few other cuts and bruises, the following month I suffered with a seizure on my way to work, and was diagnosed with epilepsy, I put a litigation claim in, as you would, took 2-3 years for liability be settled, then bout 6years for quantum be settled, so settled 2011, finalised January 2012, so I could start to rebuild my life, suffered bad with depression and anxiety and tried to take my own life many times, family never really been there for me, except for my late mother, who once started getting closer and closer to my older brother, started trying to con money out of me, 1 occasion where she had a crash on her way to mine, then expected me pay excess on her car insurance, another occasion there was holiday accommodation booked but no flights, and decided to tell me 3 days before the holiday that i was supposed be goin away in 3 days, holiday was never my holiday, then i had my mums brother ringing asking me for money for accommodation, it wasnt owt do with me, who needs enemies with family like mine, so I took a step back, just cut contact, my family just get worse and worse, my siblings don’t bother......till they want something, starting with my father now, iv always respected him and looked upto him, but as he’s getting older he’s not teaching his kids to his 2nd wife the meaning of hard work, the value of money etc, instead of getting my dad’s work ethic like I did, they learning from their mother, sit on your backside or lie in bed for rest of their life, for some reason my dad allows it, it’s like whenever something needs paying, they look to me, younger brother Daniel, always asking for lifts as he’s only one who don’t drive, he’ll ask cos he knows I won’t take money off him, my sister went on her last holiday with her wife, to save my dad getting up at the crack of dawn before work to go get her from the airport, I offered to go get her, I later said I was waiting hours for her, my dad asked, who paid the parking, a said my sister, he shook his head as if to say I shud have paid it, my 40th, which was February 2022, I handed my dad a cheque for £20.000, because I look upto him, idolise him, respect him and feel sorry for him, I wanted him to have nice things, take a step back from work, thinking of his health as he has COPD, but he’s never gonna get to retire, as his wife, 18year old kids, have no intention of ever working again, which means iv no respect for them whatsoever and I hate the thought of my dad spending that on them, he did help me feel sorry for him, saying, a don’t wanna still be working when I’m 70 ☹️ unfortunately he’ll be working till he takes his last breath, I don’t agree with living to work, work to live that’s my moto, a mean, iv even ad my older brother break a digital camera once and said, “money you’ve got, just go buy another” then there’s my dad at 63, struggling to pay his massive mortgage off so owt happens to him, atleast Sam an the kids will av somewhere live, disagree with that to, they’d just av move if mortgage weren’t paid off, if sam was an Avon lady, its summet, it shows willing, just none of them ever do owt, 2years after my mums passing, my older brother still harassing my late mums fiance over money, parts of it I agree with but I’m not gonna lower myself to his level, friends have told me that’s how my dad chose to live his life, so that’s his problem, no1 else’s, like a said, I look upto him and respect him, despite him doin things all wrong, ah well, at the end, I’m left with no parents an no siblings, I’m the bad guy somehow
Fed up, living with a head injury, I do everything... - Headway
Fed up, living with a head injury, I do everything for my family, and I may aswell have no family

they say family can be relied on far more than friends? Shot we go through teaches us different!!! Who thinks with a brain injury we have the time to deal with the other trying times in life? Spend y time as I have, redeveloping the new you! Who else gets the chance to hone their better qualities?!! Bin the bad!! Just smile to the world! They may think y mad? But WE know different?!! Keep safe!
same here everything fell apart after my head injury just got to think about you make sure your ok good luck

Just got forget bout family an be grateful for the few friends I have got
It must have been hard to write this. Reliving the heartache of your health and the family. I can relate with you. Brain tumour x 2 plus unsupportive family! Makes life short on smiles. Thinking of you
Remember you’re not alone. All of us on here have been traumatised in one way or another. There’s always someone out there who will respond to your messages. I’m not the best at leaning on folk but this website is valuable and might very well be one of the only places that fully understands. Brains are tricky things and we probably tricky too. Sometimes we don’t want to justify our actions. Embarrassed by our actions or sick of feeling sorry for ourselves. Just nice to know that “likeminded” people are out there.
you have four fingers on your hand, use one of them... then move house - as far away as possible but still hope for a company transfer if possible. you dont need this. whilst im all for helping where needs be, there comes a point when it becomes obvious that someones being taken for a mug. dont be that mug any longer. cut off financially. hard choices, hard to follow through but also perhaps seek legal advice on this where appropriate.