Well worth a try: I haven’t worked since my BI... - Headway


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Well worth a try

keeley24 profile image
11 Replies

I haven’t worked since my BI 6 years ago I’ve been on ESA and PIP. I feel if I had chance at a job that I enjoyed and wanted to do I would be ok at it. Something I didn’t want to do I’d be easily distracted. Well the BI group I go to is short staff and I’ve got it in my head I’d like a job there. Long shot? I don’t know I did mention it to the man who set it up yesterday. I just asked if he would ever consider anyone who attends the group for a job if he felt they could manage. He said yes but at the minute there isn’t a job going that he feels would suit anyone. After mentioning it to him he got me to answer the phone when it rang which I did. I never normally talk on phone so that was a big thing for me to do. Afterwards we were at an allotment which we go to weekly and I kept an eye on everyone even asking one person to water plants and started some painting myself. At end the man said he had noticed me making effort and was pleased. Main thing is keeping it up every week and see what happens.

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keeley24 profile image
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11 Replies
paxo05 profile image

Hi Keele.

I know how you feel wanting to be productive. I hope you can achieve this.

No t wanting to dampen your spirits but you hit on the the key thing.........keeping able to do it. That is my big problem.

I have managed voluntary work doing various things but most have come to an end due to me being unable to continue consistently.

My current one is as a walk leader. The irony being since last year my ability to walk any distance has been intermittent to say the least.

Now being a voluntary post they have accommodated this. If it had been an employed position......Well let's say I wouldn't be still employed.

I hope you do find employment and if not find other ways to be productive.

Pax x

keeley24 profile image
keeley24 in reply to paxo05

Well I e come up with few ideas to help them out see how it goes first is helping at the allotment when the man in charge is away not sure they will go along with this as there are few rules they need to follow main thing being 2 members of staff suitable to be responsible need to be there. Now how people suitable to be responsible is decided I’ve no idea. Other thing which will definitely fit into what I’m wanting to do. They are putting 4 people forward to run a relay in a marathon in September they have started a running club to help people train for it. I was going to be one of the runners but due to me getting PIP it has been decided it’s not worth me risking losing this to be part of the team. Not my decision as my mum has helped me get all benefits they say she would have to sign to say she wouldn’t blame the BI group if I was caught out and lost PIP. Now I know she wouldn’t blame them and she’s told them she wouldn’t but she refuses to sign anything to state she wouldn’t so it’s her way of stopping me taking the risk. I have come up with the idea I could still take part in the running club and keep an eye on everyone to help out so I can still be part of the training and it will show if I can be trusted.

paxo05 profile image
paxo05 in reply to keeley24

I know what you mean about people thinking of losing pips. I thought this to although the walking group is for disabled people ( many on pips) . We walk ssp ( that's SLOW.SHORT.and in PAIN)

Unfortunately at moment I am not even managing that.

Think carefully and long about what you can do. Look into it thoroughly and don't rush into something.

I did this when first volunteering as a joiner ..Big mistake as I suddenly couldnt remember what to do.

Good luck in whatever you decide.

keeley24 profile image
keeley24 in reply to paxo05

Thanks for the encouragement. Another reason for me hoping to get job at this BI group is cos I’m going twice a week optional of course and if I was to get a job elsewhere I would want to avoid working on the days I go to BI group which may not be possible.

steve55 profile image

well done. im great within my social circle because everyone knows my shortcomings, take me out of that and my confidence is zero plus i have a diagnosed behaviour problem which im unable to control.

good for you, keep at it, hopefully something will come out of it.

sealiphone profile image

As paxo05 said voluntary work has the scope to fit around you, you can choose tasks that are achievable.

Way back I was a volunteer for Headway and on the Trustee Board as well, your experience would be invaluable for your local group

I used to be a job coach for disabled people. Sounds like you are doing the right things. Please remain patient with yourself, people you support and the people running the group. Focus on the small steps and getting the things you do each day right. The big picture about getting a job will unfold for you as you become more and more ready for work. Some of us can work some can't. Some can sometimes and not others, like me. The only thing that really matters is that we are trying with whatever we do. Work is therapeutic, it can occupy our minds taking our minds of potential problems etc..... well done you.

keeley24 profile image

Patience is definitely not my strong point. Well I’ve messaged Mam that runs the group with my idea and as expected he said we will discus it next week meaning it will be on my birthday as that is next time I’ll be there so hopefully good news also got more ideas for stuff. He’s never been one for chatting through text so best to talk when I’m there.

Mufc profile image


keeley24 profile image

Well had good day today been on 5 mile walk today. The man remembered me wanting to help with group more and told me today on walk it would be good idea to have a banana to keep my energy up and he wasn’t going to mention it again as I wanted to show I could think for myself. So half way into the walk I asked if anyone wanted a banana and had one myself. Got a surprised look from woman who works at group as she doesn’t know why I’m being more responsible but she seemed to agree and go along with it. Half way through the walk 2 women couldn’t manage any more I was actually in front with a few other people, but did go back to see what was happening and was asked to stay with ones at front. After that it was just man who planned walk with about 7 of us which of what we have been told is true about 1 staff member to 4 of us it’s well over what it should have been. Luckily everyone else managed ok despite 1 or 2 seeming to struggle a bit. I kept back a bit keeping eye on ones at back. Man did seem to relax even tho he was on his own and even added an extra hill in at end which I think a few would have gladly missed out but we all managed it.

keeley24 profile image

Today was at allotment. A long running thing about health and safety continued. Basically after many discussions and mentions of the stupid health and safety I’ve now been put in charge of health and safety. So I’m using it to my advantage it’s something I’ll never agree with or see why it’s so strict like wear gloves to touch wood so you don’t get splinters, but it’s something the staff have to follow to protect themselves. So I’m going along with it they have got me a luminous top with my name on saying health and safety officer. I’m seeing this as boy of fun that if I go along with may lead to more.

On way back the man spoke to me about me being more responsible (beat me to it) he thought id done well today tho I thought could have looked round more for stuff to do. Think it helped working on being health and safety officer asi didn’t have anything to do so went to watch man who runs group and 2 others put some wood together managed to tell man about gloves so helped me look like I was doing something.

Asked if he’d noticed yesterday me keeping eye on people he hadn’t noticed but said next time I should tell him so he knows.

There 3 days next week Tuesday won’t be much to show but Wednesday and Thursday allotment and trip out should be good with plenty to do.

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