Went away with my work for a few days and made a foul of myself. Colleagues now ignore me and am having a massive anxiety and panic attack. I am surprised I am still holding it together. I just want to brake, but am to stubborn. I just don't know what to do. The best of it is I have to get on a plane now for an hour.
Work trip : Went away with my work for a few days... - Headway
Work trip

What happened, x
Was drinking with colleagues. Keeping up with them then was sick on one of them in front of the boss.
Ohhhh, it's ok it would of made the boss laugh I'm sure. Really don't think to much about it. You will be the one to talk about at mo but it will pass. Your colleges will get over it too. They just having a paddy . It will soon be the joke of things Ie hey do you remember when, ? Just ride with it at mo, bless you how horrid for you. 😳x
All I want was to be in with the crowd and not the odd one, but am starting to think that I am not meant to get on with people and have friends. I never mastered the art of making friends.
Oh don't say that. Stop giving yourself a hard time. You will meet a friend when you don't expect it and you only need 1. They become more loyal. Don't give yourself grief for not getting in the crowd, it's probobly done you a favour 🤔
I just don't get how people don't understand how it makes me feel, when you can obviously see something is getting to me or why people would just rather ignore you.
That's just people who don't understand bi. They will never ever understand no matter how hard they try. People are very mean and at the time they just ain't bothered. Please stop hurting yourself mentally. It really isn't worth it. It was a lesson learnt for you and you have to do things to realise they wrong. Like I said you will be the talk at work for a bit and it will hurt but then they will move on. You should be proud that you tried it, I wouldn't dare, focus on how proud you should be, going out, mixing with others ect, yes it went wrong at the end but they were prob so drunk they will only remember half of it, take care of yourself. Stop letting your mind work overtime x
Take a deep breath! It probably isn't as bad as you think. Calm down and then look at the situation calmly and see if there is some way you can redeem things.

Tried deep breaths did nothing although stop a meltdown by going for a walk. It just dont help when you have a little miss perfect for a colleague making comments like she's done nothing wrong every and only nice to you when she needs something.
Errrrggghhhhh I really dislike them sort x
I just wish she would say it to my face and not behind my back because I have a bi not deaf lol
Right,,,, don't let her win, at the moment she's winning. She has pulled you so low. Don't let her. Little miss perfect won't be perfect in the past and her colleagues will know that, this is probobly why she so nasty, your taking her limelight away. 1st your bi then now last night. She is none existent at the mo. Don't say anything to her as I bet if she says stuff about you to colleagues they will think she's a cow. Leave her too it, she will blow herself up in the end. People get very bored of people being nasty about others. Just look at her and smile or snigger if you dare, that will really bug her ha ha x
Oh and btw the reason she says things behind your back is cause she don't dare say it too your face 😎
capewell whats done is done you cant turn the clock back!!! what you can do is stop feeling sorry for yourself, explain about your bi and as a result you find it difficult socially.
also explain that disability isnt always physical, thats usually a slap in face !!!
Hi Im so so sorry for what you're going through. It's so unfair isn't it? You're trying to 'get out there' and 'get on with your life' and then something happens that set you back and you feel like you've failed. It feels pretty lonely and isolating at the time. Well please don't forget to remember how far you've come, firstly, to be back at work (I'm not there yet). Give yourself a pat on the back for getting that far for a start. Secondly, it's inly natural that set backs will happen, that's a normal part of everyone's life - bi or not . So give yourself a hug as well. Tell yourself that the incident is over now. Today is another day, and so is tomorrow - silly stuff happens, life isn't perfect. (And despite what you might think - neither are your work colleagues, or their lives). It's a case of picking yourself up and starting again. I feel much like you about not bien g part of a crowd I used to be part of. But we have to keep on keeping on. You've got everyone here if you need to let off steam, all of us understand what it's like......even if we're cyber buddies (as someone said in another post) were still buddies
Sending you a hug and wishing you luck with your flight and the rest of the week. Let us know how it all works out x