Hi gang,
I am going to Sheffield Hallamshie this coming Wednesday for a medical check, blood pressure, weight etc......
Then if all is well the following Tueaday 3rd of February I shall have my fifth angiogram.
This will be to see if my AVM on the cerebellum has finally gone. It's been eight years since the AVM burst and changed my life. I'm nervous, but hoping that it has finally gone and I don't have to have further radio therapy.
Yes!! I'm nervous, and I do know what will be will be, but for my husband I would just like GOOD NEWS......ITS GONE.
I love my man so much, (37 years married in April. teenage sweethearts) he's been so supportive before and after my brain haemorrhage
It's time for him and me to be worry free. I know my problems won't go away, but one less to worry about e.g. No AVM would be blinking marvellous.
Thanks hubby and here's hoping 💑