Hi can anybody relate to my tremor. Since my TBI on the 6th December 2014, my tremor in both hands has been severe. I cannot hold anything without the contents spilling out. Tonight just proved a point, my husband wanted a glass of RED wine, I tryed to get it to him but most of it went on my cream chair,floor and everything else around him. He was left with half a glass of RED wine. My tinnitus is being addressed my white noise hearing aid does help, but the tremor is getting worse will that settle down or what ??????
Tremors : Hi can anybody relate to my tremor. Since... - Headway

Please research "what vitamin deficiencies cause tremors"
Hi LIz,
At the moment , very much so ! Urine infection has exacerbated mine.
Some info on tremors ; uptodate.com/contents/tremo...
Hope it helps, read all sections if you can.
Angela x
I think you need to go and see your GP and get checked out especially as you say it has worsened. It may or may not be related to your brain injury. Some medications have a side affect of tremors - have you had any medication changes or dose increases?? It would not necessarily occur straight away so even sometime back may be relevant. There are also possible other reasons medical reasons that you have developed a tremor, some age related (don't have a clue how old you are) but the Drs would need to consider those so please do make an appointment. Does it get worse when you are under additional pressure, upsets or stress.
1949liz get your doc to refer you for a ct scan . explain to him how much worse your tremors have got since your tbi.
seems youve got a 2 in 1 there.
propranolol is used to treat remors and high blood pressure
please keep us informed thankyou
Thanks Steve,
I will contact my doctor and make an appointment. I did tell the doctor but because I had a slight tremor before my TBI she did not seem concerned. But now my husband will NOT let me pour hot water in case I scald myself. ( also his wine ) So thank you for your advice. I also had suffered shingles after my TBI so maybe there could be a connections ?
Thank You so much for all your wonderful encouragement and advice I am truly grateful. Liz 🌹