dribbling and feeling my mouth is wet and the sid... - Headway


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dribbling and feeling my mouth is wet and the side but there nothing there

barbannlucy profile image
20 Replies

why do I keep thinking Im dribbling at the side of my mouth and keep wiping it but there nothing there, am i going Mad

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barbannlucy profile image
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20 Replies
Kirk5w7 profile image

No, I have the same, it is the right side of my face. I'd hoped I would get used to it and forget about it but I haven't and its 3 years now.

My cheek feels wet and I frequently, wipe it because as you say it feels like I am dribbling too.

It does drive you to distraction, but I have learned not to wipe my face as often as I first used to.

I've never asked what it is, I just presumed it must be nerve damage causing the sensation it does.

Sorry I can't be of more help, but you are not going mad.

Much love Janet x

Bdos2018 profile image
Bdos2018 in reply to Kirk5w7

Mine has just started and I don’t like it. I’m going to ask my doctor in the morning ,something must of started it.

Kirk5w7 profile image
Kirk5w7 in reply to Bdos2018

Hi ive just written a reply on this string, my problems with this did right itself but i have no idea what the time frame was.


Bdos2018 profile image
Bdos2018 in reply to Kirk5w7

Well that’s refreshing news. That give me some hope then ,thank you very much

Bdos2018 profile image
Bdos2018 in reply to Bdos2018

My name is Katrina.

cat3 profile image

I agree with Janet that this is almost certainly nerve damage. What was the cause of your brain injury ?

PS if you are going mad, this is the best place to be ............... you'll be in good company !! :o

Cat x

angelite profile image

Hi Lucy,

There is an interesting little phenomena called Paresthesia .Funnily enough I have recently pasted a link on the FND site after someone enquiring about buzzing sensations.

Please note it is on an MS site but I am not suggesting that anyone has this.It is a phenomena that often occurs in MS as well as other brain problems,,therefore they tend to have the best info.I can put my own hand up to random itching,vibration/buzzing,electric type pain,bucket of warm water down the leg feelings,burning tongue and peripheral 'mouse in the house' sightings ! My brain problems came after suspected Encephalitis.

Hope you find it useful :


Kind regards, Angela x

Kirk5w7 profile image
Kirk5w7 in reply to angelite

Thanks Angela that link was very helpful. I have a niece with MS and we have noticed a lot of similarities with her symptoms and mine, the difference being hers are progressive and intermittent mine are not.

I think we have conversed before, I had Encephalitis so we shared some issues, I hope you are progressing well, I seem to be going backwards with my balance at present but I understand that that is the nature of a chronic illness, which is what I am left with.

It appears that it is right that I was told it's all about managing my condition now! Not what I wanted to believe but it's the acceptance isn't it, I go through periods of coping to then be floored by wanting the normality back.

So, it's "up and at 'em" again today, wish this weather would settle down!

Take care, Love Janet xx

angelite profile image
angelite in reply to Kirk5w7

Thanks Janet,

No noticeable progress here at the mo-business as usual !

Sorry to hear about your niece - I expect you are good support for one another.

Also sorry to hear your balance is worse.I have a friend who was born partially deaf and a few years ago was diagnosed with vestibular hydrops.She was given exercises to do and spent 2 years on sticks before it improved.I am very lucky that my balance is fairly good (eyes open) and no further attacks of positional vertigo since last year ( Yay ! ) If anything, it seems to be the muscle fatigue in legs that can let my balance down.

I know what you mean by coping for a while then getting tired of it. I have no way of knowing if any of my issues may be permanent.

Sometimes I like to announce to myself that I'm having a day off from Spasticity today - unfortunately it hasn't happened yet ! ! !

Hope you are getting help/exercises for your balance issues.

Love, Angela x

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to angelite

Thanks from me too Angela for that link. I especially appreciate information which is given in plain English and has a human touch.

The 'mouse in the house' made me laugh out loud as it's something which drives me mad, but now will probably amuse me in future.

There are other sensations I can identify with, so it's good to know there are explanations for them. Hope you're doing ok. xx

angelite profile image
angelite in reply to cat3

Thanks Cat,

I am ticking along as usual : )

Yes, I agree that there are some flowery,technical sites where you can't get through a sentence without having to look up meanings - puts me right off !

When I was hit with a plague of intense paresthesias in early illness it was a relief to find this site and reassured me that although strange and uncomfortable they were just malfunctioning sensations and often experienced by others.Luckily they are less severe since recovery and I also seem to have toned down awareness as I have got used to them : ) x

Jennaberri profile image

No your not going mad :-D

I also get this and I often get a feeling that water is running down my arms, I wipe my arm and it's dry. I don't know why it happens but I guess it's down to the brain damage and being a bit confused.

It was worse early on in my recovery, I'm at 20 months now and it only happens every so often now. Still freaks me out a little ;-)

gentr profile image

Hi barbannlucy

This has started happening to me 4days ago dribbling sensation feeling at side of mouth and i keep wiping and nothing there also 

Not sure what it  could be

GirlChrisCt profile image

I have the same thing! It has been driving me crazy. Do you consume excessive amounts of caffeine. I am doing a test to see if this has anything to do with it. I drink a lot of diet coke or diet pepsi and it seems to worsen the more caffeine I consume.

theguttu profile image

I am feeling the same feeling. Did you ever find out what it was?

oiplk profile image

i have had this for two weeks now no idea why feeling of saliva running down by chin

Gryffinclaw profile image

Did you find out why was it happening? Did it stop?

Angmichelle profile image

Would really like to open this back up. This has been happening to me for the last week or two, I have major anxiety I’m just wondering if anybody ever figure this out

JDante44 profile image
JDante44 in reply to Angmichelle

This sensation just started the other day for me. I tested positive for Covid 19 in April, and have been sick since. I was wondering if this could be a post-viral thing

Kirk5w7 profile image

Hi, ive only just seen these comments on this string.. Yes this has stopped for me, i dont know when it did. As often happens when something ceases to be problem you tend to forget about it.

I just carried on with my day to day, ignoring it as best i could and then it stopped.

I see it was a problem for quite a few of us, it does help to know others have similar symptoms although we would rather not have them at all.

Hope this reassures folks, although i cant put a time frame on this i am sure it was weeks or months and not years.

Janet x

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