Although still struggling with medical issues my business is booming and I can happily announce that not only am I exhibiting in the London Photo Festival next month I am their official photographer on the friday evening I am petrified of going to big old London by my tiny little self but I think it will help my confidence no end
I also want to send a big thankyou to Andy
aka Mr Baron as he wrote my biography when I was struggling he is always there when I need him for words whether it be writing something or proof reading so a big thankyou and im really loojing forward to meeting you all in December
if it wasnt for this site as well as getting fab advice and help when I needed it I wouldnt have made such fab like minded friends
and obviously it wouldnt be me if I didnt post a photo lol so here is 1 of my 3 entries and Andys favourite
Surely not another positive post?: Although still... - Headway
Surely not another positive post?

Love the photo. Love what you're doing with your life. love your guts in overcoming so many negatives to be where you are today.
Congratulations on this accomplishment Michelle ; you're a star !!
I'd like to add my congratulations to Cats you're such a gutsy girl, my admiration knows no bounds, fantastic!
You deserve it all xxxx Janet
Wonderful to hear you on such a positive note! You have an amazing talent. It's good to hear that you have been ably assisted by the Baron, who has a very good way with words
What a mighty team
I'm off to the big smoke next weekend too, although I'm there to do some relaxing and re kindling of our grown up relationship whilst the big kids are safe and well at home doing kids stuff!
I will be needing it after cub camp this weekend
Well done, lovely story and photo. K
Well done. You have done so well! X
Oh shut up you tart
Seriously, always pleased to help! You're clearly going a long way, and I don't mean to London! You're going a long way in life and with your business. Very, very well done you, you deserve it
Andy x
Yes well done once you press that shutter you will see all your butterflies disappear
Just wait till you see that sold sticker on your work - that's a sensation you will never forget trust me I have been there
Good luck
Thanks everyone it does mean a lot I don't expect to sell anything or win it's just another positive step a big 1 still can't believe I am doing it
Congratulations, Michelle! That's great news! I also know how hard it is to grow a photographic business after a brain injury, in a hugely competitive market, during a recession, so I applaud your progress and successes!
Replied twice and had it eaten - so just saying HUGE congratulations - you are inspiring. Enjoy your success.
I live in big old London and would have come and shown my support, but I checked the dates but we are out of the country that week... Will be rooting for you from afar.
what a lovely photo, hope it all goes well for you, and yes it will help your confidence, be proud of your achievements.
thankyou im not expecting anything to come of it its just a fantastic achievement for me to even get on the train let alone go to London I would never have even done anything like this before my brain injury its like im a new me a better version 1 that appreciates life rather than watch it go by I have surprised myself