anyone found they have problems hearing threw there ear i can justhearok threw right ear i known on it for 4 years no nurse no doc no 1 has taken any notice i always have to use a bluetooth ear thing in right ear i tried little ear phones 2 try its not totaly gone but i carnt hear threwleft i even had buy house phne i could put bluetooth ear in right i get into rows over phone as i carnt make it all out if i dont have it in i try speaker i thnk someone said somthig they not said but it must sounded like it , its worrying as no 1 takes no otice im typing here i can hear clunking keys but got 2 turn right sidei m scared 4 years not 1 bit help or listened 2 lol they can hear its like i had metting of 4 health people i could hear loud right but as it was around i only heard the odd ones talk unless they were come good side but no i got half of it i had a advocate she said id shut of wasnt listing i carnt tats why any one got any advice please
hearing in left ear after sah / stroke: anyone found... - Headway
hearing in left ear after sah / stroke
Hi vjones2
If you have only spoken to your GP about this then I would ask them for a referral to a specialist. A specialist may be able to suggest adaptations or treatments. Specialists that deal with hearing loss after brain injury are generally based in services that come within general neurology or neuro otology or audiology - this depends on local arrangements in your area.
Please feel free to contact our helpline if you wish to discuss further. You can contact the helpline Monday to Friday (9am to 5pm) on free phone number 0808 800 22 44 or you can email
Best wishes
i rang was to late i try tomorrow. yes only gp and nurse well 2 gps, gp now says my neuro isant till next year ive had it wait its been like this for nearly 4 years in sept, 1st gp only way i could explain was fealt like unde water his reply was dont go under water new 1 not passed word only wait till next yeari had 2 put bletooth in right ear when in hospital i am bad balance fall walk into stuff where i live theres no help at alli wasnt allowed by law for rehab in neuro hospital as of wales england thing so had no help with anything