Well thats one hell of a title, dont worry i dont mean to bang my head against anything .
Right this may not be bi related but maybe its.
Enough mystery so here goes. Quite a few years ago i was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes ( stay with me it may get bi relevant) after even more years being borderline.
Well i change diet tried uping exercise ( honest) and took the max metformin. Well as the years have gone so has some of my weight i feel a little fitter even but the main change is my hb levels. Yep they have just got higher.
Now a may be no doctor but surely this was a sign of something not working but no keep doing what your doing it 'll all be ok they said.
I had queried my problematic hormones due to my petruetry gland being damaged when i suffered my bi ( see told you it may be bi related). Only to be told it was doubtful.
Guess what i have just had to have a ct scan on my pancreas as thry think it may not be working due to low hormone levels.
Oh i could cry...infact i nearly did when i thought i was wetting myself during the ct scan, apparently its a normal feeling when the inject the dye.
I am now unsure how i feel about the results as on one hand if they find somehing it will explain why my levels are high but if they dont fond anything then what the hell is happening.
Sorry for long post but feeling a little strung out at moment.