Hey everyone , i'm looking for some advice on how to explain my situation to people who don't know me very well. I'm often referred to as 'Socially awkward' which I am, but I'm so sick of it being made into a joke, traumatic events made me socially awkward but how do you explain that to everyone else ?
The ignorance is making me sick. : Hey everyone , i... - Headway
The ignorance is making me sick.

im not much help really biut only talk to people willing to listen to you my experience is everyone thinks they know whats best for you but they as much us a a chocolate tea pot advice can only be dont play upyour injury speak honestly anmd only to those who listen answer questions honestly and truthfully keep your dignity when you do eithrer tell a lie or exaeragte then you lose the confindence of others
Some people don't know how to act when they're around somebody with difficult circumstances, so just laugh along with them or just agree. Easier said then done, but I think it neutralises the situation.
It's lack of understanding and empathy.
I know I'm always banging on about brainline.org, but sharing these articles with new people really helps us:
i have found only those willing to ask pertinent questions and the bother to listen truly understand what it takes to fight back to a normal life and live a life post injury those who are arrogant and ignorant dont bother are no longer given the time of day by me i also found it helps if imake light of my injyry and disability if only to draw attentionm to the fact iand fully aware iof what others the ignorant are thinking
Take the mickey out of yourself, turn it into a joke, it's how I cope with the ignorance around me. Helps to water down the lack of understanding
hi ,i do the same ,most of my friends realise that when i sleep a lot it means i need it ,but this has taken them ages,it used to realy annoy me ,but ive now turned it around by joking about it,my best freind calls me nap nap,and i call her awakey as she has trouble sleeping,but she understands my situation and i understand hers,you are right if you make a joke out of it ,it does help
My Headway group in Cardiff have given all service users an I.d card which briefly explains that we have difficulties in certain areas and situations. It doesn't give too much information but does, and has helped me in situations that have made me anxious, angry, etc...
Hi Rikic
Just be yourself. You are a unique precious individual. If other people have an issue with you they are the problem not you. Maybe avoid such people their attitude is not worth investing your time and attention. We live in a society which promotes acceptance of creed colour and individualism with and without physical and mental challenges and discourages discrimination. I empathise with you as I too have experienced feeling uncomfortable in social situations. My problems were due to lack of confidence and low self esteem. I found books by Paul McKenna very useful and my Christian faith. Would you be able to access some counselling and/or cognitive behavioural therapy support either privately or through your GP. I have found both very therapeutic in helping me to sort out my issues. Good Luck. Keep strong. Believe in yourself. x
Every one finds the way they deal with this type of situation . A Trouble shared was one halved for me , but i was only on the out side looking in . Thinking about you all and familys once close to me .xxx
If they are making a joke out of your circumstances surely that is a type of Bullying
I really do sympathise. I'm a little socially awkward too and have no visible signs of disability even though I have my fair share of problems. I've tried to explain to people but since it can't be done in one word I can literally see them glaze over and switch off. I'm afraid some people will just never understand something until/unless they experience it. Sorry, I know that isn't very helpful.