It's ok I ain't about to ruin the weather by singing. How is it when we have good weather lately I feel so rubbish.
Just feeling sorry for myself as I have been hit bu pneumonia again. Not as bad this time the doc said cheerfully...mmmm ill not print my reply to him. So much as I aked when is pneumonia good in summer ?
Well at least I can lay in the shade ( can't lay in the heat) and cough away to myself.
The other good bit is I have had time to look at forum....Well good for me others mat not agree.
Am I babbling on...It's the drugs you see...You can always blame the drugs...or the bi ...or just being me in general.
Well all for now just going to throw my lungs into a bucket.....A saying of my grandads...yep bit graphic but he was like that....In fact it could explain where I get my humour. Anyway I digrest hope everyone is enjoying the sunny weather and is feeling brighter and better.
Now where's that darkened room gone.
Pax x