I saw a youtube video about coconut oil helping people with alzheimers, while I don't have dementia-I do have memory loss! So I totally ran to my local grocers today and bought myself coconut oil! Has anyone tried it? I'm looking forward to waking up a brand new me! Okay.. maybe that's a bit too much wishful thinking..
Coconut Oil... Fact or Fiction? : I saw a youtube... - Headway
Coconut Oil... Fact or Fiction?
I have severe short term memory loss and although I attended the National Neuro and then the memory aids programme at St Thomas' Hospital nobody has ever suggested coconut oil could help.. and believe me I would have tried it in a flash.
But then dementia associated memory issues and memory loss following TBI are very different things indeed.
I did a quick search on the issue and it seems a doctor in US believes administering coconut oil could work in patients with dementia...on the assumption that dementia is akin to 'diabetes of the brain'. I have no idea how much weight can or should be given to the theory but I would be very surprised if there was any benefit in TBI related memory loss which has been directly caused by damage to the brain rather than any dietary imbalance.
But don't let that stop you if you feel you want to try it. belief is a powerful thing and you believe it will help then it may well do.
If it doesn't work, it has practical uses and is beneficial when applied to skin and hair
Good Luck...do let us know what happens.
Whilst there may be benefits to be obtained from coconut oil, you also have to be aware that you might be clutching at straws, hoping for an instant cure that isn't there. Relax, take life easier, life will generally sort itself out. I still have memory problems now after 10 years, I still can't trust it completely. My grandfather had alzheimers, so the fact that it was in the family makes me more intent than ever to thwart it's manifestation.
Philstretchdavis, i think being relaxed is the best advice, and advice I should have heeded a long time ago. I'd love to hear more about your story.. Thanks.
I always think that whatever will be, will be. If you'd like to hear more:- I had an altercation with a coward. He hit me in the back of my head when I wasn't looking. When I awoke in hospital, I had to be re-introduced to my parents and my girlfriend as I didn't have a clue who they were. It didn't take me long to accept my situation, and I just got on with learning how to live again. Which brings me back to the memory question. By adopting a trial and error attitude towards learning how to live my life, I came to the conclusion that if I could remember the mistakes I make, why can't I remember other stuff? When I do remember stuff, it puts a spring in my step and lets me know I'm heading in the right direction. But I've got this far by accepting the situation and letting events unfold, no sweat!
let us know how you get on with it Nageen, anything that works/helps s worth knowing about. Hope you enjoyed your lunch yesterday as well Shirley xxx
Thanks Shirley, I definitely will! And you remembered about my lunch!! I had a great time we decided on mexican and it was the best food i've had in a long time!
pleased to hear lunch was good. Hope you made plans to do it again!
If molasses is what I know as black treacle, we used to be given a dessertspoonful of that straight after 1 teaspoonful of cod-liver oil every morning after breakfast when I was at boarding school. Hated the oil - loved the treacle! xxx
Save you money you would be better looking at essential oils, coconut oil is purely a carrier oil great for the skin.
I've never heard of the benefits for coconut oil and memory but since I read a book over 20 years ago on Black Molasses and the benefits of taking it I bought some and spoon fed it my daughter.
We had nothing to lose as her brain tumour was terminal we had been told.
Only the tumour stopped growing and 20 years later she is much recovered from back then?
Was it the black molasses?
I don't know but something halted the tumours growth.
It's quite cheap to buy from health shops and can be used in warm drinks and cooking.
My daughter has recently finished another jar of it, she doesn't take it all the time and always has it straight from a spoon. I have to admit it's like black treacle and she always pulls a face after taking it - but she still has it.
Headchild, can I find black molasses at ny local grocers store? I'm definitely gonna try it if worked for your daughter! I might just wanna swallow a spoonful of sugar after though. Ha!
that sounds amazing headchild, and so pleased to hear about your daughters recovery over the years. I'm a great believer in alternative remedies - some products from H&B helped me through the menopause with no problems at all. Starflower Oil capsules was one of them. Even on a daily basis now I take their ABC+senior multi-vit & mineral formula - but interestly its iron free - wonder why? At least I can mail order them from here and do so to take advantage of offers when I'm running short.
It's worth a try, let us know how it goes but give it a few weeks before you decide if it is working.
Mikesghost, i'll definitely keep you guys updated. Thanks!!
of course you must try just one thing at a time...no coconut and black molasses together.../no matter how tempting it may be LOL
There's merit in coconut oil as they contain ketone bodies which are an alternative energy source for the brain to glucose which it primarily uses. Ketones contain higher energy value per unit than glucose. If you want though, you can achieve ketosis by switching to a high (healthy) fat, low carb diet with normal amounts of protein. Contrary to what you may think, you'll have more energy and less hunger on this diet whilst losing weight.
Hi barny1 - wasn't that the american doctors diets - or was it high carbs - low fat diet - I don't remember now. I know I did it for a few weeks only - yes lost weight but it made my breath smell awful, and I'm sure that was something to do with Ketones - but then I am going back a decade plus! It was one of the most talked about diets at the time and I bought the books that went with it.
A little while later I did the red day/green day diet with a diet class not WW bt the other one and I got on better with that - you eat carbs one day but not the next. Call me a sceptic but I've always thought that if all these diet programmes really worked then hired halls etc wouldn't always be full up year after year.
I've lost about 25+ kilo since BI last March, but that's down to eating almost nothing except Weetabix - no not a diet - basically loss of appetite and no proper cooking facilities so wouldn't recommend that diet to anyone!
I'm following the principles of the Paleo Diet which promotes that we eat an organic diet that includes moderate amounts of lean meat/fish and no carbs that aren't derived from fruits and vegetables including wholegrains and anything brought about by the advent of agriculture. How does this relate to ketone bodies, well by following this diet you're automatically significantly reducing the amount of carbs you eat since cereal foods such as bread, pasta, rice and replacing them with fruits and vegetables, this allows your body to start manufacturing more ketones to compensate for lower sugar. You'll loose weight rapidly with this diet without sacrificing energy, trust me.
I'm dyslexic and lot of parents do get very desperate, willing to try almost anything. supplements are one way of getting fleecing money out of desperate people.
I'm not saying don't hope and look at things but be wary of cures etc.
Neegen, have you considered visiting a holistic natural homeopath? Amazing results, longer time frame maybe but what's the rush? Nature fixes nature I believe and what are we all a tiny part of?
I did the Dukan diet for approx 6 months a wile ago, I was full of energy and the weight slowly dropped off me about 1 kg a week. Very easy to keep to, it's a no carb diet and no fruit til you reach your target weight, I'm afraid my stay in hospital scuppered my diet well and truly, I've not had the strength of purpose to start it up again, I've put about 10 kg on in the last 18 months, dreadful, must gat a handle on it. The weight gains mainly due to my inactivity, balance problems mean I can't do lots of fast walking and motivation and lack of energy mean I don't go swimming as often as I should.
Go for it! I'd do everything I could if it were me.
Coconut oil is brilliant. Yes it's full of saturated fat but it contains LOADS of potassium and antioxidants brilliant for cleaning the blood that goes to the brain. I have 3 tsp a day.
Turmeric is known to cut risks of dementia. You may want to try that too. I studied herbs
Read Power Food for the Brain. It's really interesting. A vegan diet is brilliant for the brains health.
Hi everyone,
Thank you for a very interesting post, with some very good feedback and a lively debate, as is often the case with alternative/complementary therapies and remedies.
As the answers have covered a number of other options, I wanted to add that there is some good information to help people make a decision on the NHS Choices website at nhs.uk/livewell/complementa...
Although it doesn't include individual foods such as coconut oil, it does give good guidance on the pros and cons, and selecting something that works for you.
Negeen, the link above is a UK health information site so some of the links might not be relevant in the US, but there is some interesting information on the Brain Injury Association of America's website, biausa.org/brain-injury-tre...
...a small piece, but some links out to more details.
Just like conventional medications and treatments, it's important to remember that the effects may be different for everyone, so we suggest that everyone considering starting a new dietary supplement or any other therapy should talk it through with their doctor. Occasionally things can interact with medications, and even 'natural' products can have their own side effects so it's important any treating clinicians are aware.
Best wishes,
Thanks for the links and the words of wisdom Headway!