On the bike again: A bit of good news. B had a... - Headway


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On the bike again

TwoCakes profile image
11 Replies

A bit of good news. B had a Bikeability assessment a while ago and was given the all clear so last week we went out on the bike to the pub. Apart from the assessment it was the first time B has been on the bike since her accident. It was so strange to me that she looked just as she always did on a bike, same pedalling action, same form and position. At one point I said to B "its just as well you've been off the bike a year, it means I can keep up." B looked at me and said "I ain't even trying yet!"

So now we are planning our first long ride with lunch and cake stops.

I know B is in rehab, I know B is struggling with her levels of insight, I know she remains subject to a Deprivation of Liberty order, I know many things have changed, but its great that we can just do the thing we always did...get together, get on a bike and ride. And that has made me very happy!

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11 Replies
BettyS profile image

Hi TwoCakes,

That is very, very happy news. Being on a bike always gives you a sense of freedom and I find it also helps you cope with what is happening in your world.

I am not back on my bike yet but hearing that you both our back and planning long rides gives me a sense of hope that I will get there too.

Fantastic news.

Keep pedaling and enjoy X

Who did Bs Bikeability assessment?

cat3 profile image

Hi TwoCakes. One of the first things I did after discharge from hospital was buy a new, bright yellow bike. I couldn't even walk properly, but this was my inspiration to acheive some normality. It took me eighteen months to get up the confidence to ride again properly and, on that day, I rode like a gladiator...........well.........that's how it felt.

Hope you enjoy many more picnics and happy rides. :-) x

Kirk5w7 profile image
Kirk5w7 in reply to cat3

I'm too scared to go out on a bike, not sure if my balance can cope, plus can't move my head fast enough from side to side to see safely all around, hence we're going to center parts at half term and they rent adult 3 wheelers, so may give it a go then, baby steps. At the hospital on 1st to check my vision, I know I have peripheral vision problems on the right but hopeful they can quantify it for me, asking a lot I know but maybe I'll strike lucky. Been so tired today, slept all afternoon, but feel the best I've felt in ages now! Take care all, and enjoy those bike rides xxx Janet

Kirk5w7 profile image
Kirk5w7 in reply to Kirk5w7

Ps, should read center parcs, auto correct messed it up !!!!!!

TwoCakes profile image
TwoCakes in reply to cat3

Bright yellow? I think I'd love that!

I will check the Bikeability assessment process and post back here what I find out - seems a few people might fancy giving it a go!

Bards profile image

Kirk, I fitted my bike with a cycle wingmirror (Halford's) to minimise neck mobility/peripheral vision effects, and even though now 'properly back in the saddle' it has stayed there.... Cycling has proved very useful not just for health/freedom/finance but also to work on balance at low speed.

Hope you can progress on to 2 wheels, even if not on public highway to start with

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to Bards

That's something I've often considered, and now I shall give it a go. :-)

Kirk5w7 profile image
Kirk5w7 in reply to Bards

Thanks Bards, it's worth considering, I'm not feeling too brave at present, but just booked the center parcs break, so will give a trike there a go, like I said, baby steps xxxx Janet

Danslatete profile image

Centre parts is great, it's where I got back in the saddle too, in a safe environment with help if you need it too. I had to have locks taken off and replaced when I lost the keys, no charge. I had to swap my bike because I was struggling with balance and seeing where I was going, the staff were very patient and had me try the different styles of bikes till I found one that worked for me. With few vehicles on the road it is a great way to ride on the road using rules of the road in your own time.

I hope you have a ball!

Ps be aware of crazy kids zipping around at warp speed constantly ringing their bells! My kids drove me half daft!

Danslatete profile image

Try to have someone with you who an remember which bike park you are in and take something with you to help you clearly identify your bike, they all looked the same to me and as you are somewhere new and using a lot of energy fatigue befuddled my brain! My kids went on a bike hunt because I had no idea where I had left it. Customer services were great and gave me a ride to my villa to make sure I got home ok! Loads of laughs and plenty of sleep had. I would go back again every year if we could afford it.

Kirk5w7 profile image
Kirk5w7 in reply to Danslatete

Thanks for the tips, I must admit it is expensive but last year it gave us a chance for the extended family to get together, I've booked a 3 bed villa again this year, only £50 more than a 2 bed , so if we can do the same this year it will be great, and only a weekend this year, better than nothing xxx Janet

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