Suffering some bad headaches again over the past fortnight.more severe than I've experienced in a while along with occasional blurring of my right eye. I know I should probably see my gp but whenever I've been in the past I've been made to feel just a bit paranoid. And chances are its nothing serious (so ill be wasting their time anyway), but having been so ill at such a young age (all symptoms ignored by gp) it's always at the back of my mind what if? Sorry just feeling a bit low
Feeling a bit low: Suffering some bad headaches... - Headway
Feeling a bit low

please dont ignore it nor let your gp ocular medicine is not in a gp remit ask to be referred to an optomitrist consultant immediatly i suffrre blurred vision and dots saw a specialist given some drops cleared it up in a week
Sounds like your GP needs to brush up on his/her 'bedside manner'. Is there not another at the practice you can get some reassurance from ?
I changed from one I'd been seeing for over 20 years when she laughed off my pre-SAH symptoms.
These GPs receive enormous salaries; the least they can do is show some interest in their patients.
I really do sympathise. by the way. I've been laid low with a thumping headache since Tuesday, and they really can bring you down, especially when nothing works to relieve them.
Hope it subsides soon. Best wishes x

Hi bobygemz,
It does sound like you need to speak to a doctor as Neil and Cat have said. Perhaps you could try calling 111, the new non-emergency medical helpline, and talking it through with them? It might help when it comes to speaking to your GP, and makes sure you at least get some professional advice to put your mind at rest.
Do let us know how things go.
Best wishes,
hi ,i hope u r feeling a bit better ,but plz see yupr gp,i had blurred vision n headache i took painkillers n tried to ignore it,a few days later i went to opticians for new glasses n ended up in hospital i had had a blood clot in my neck wich had burst,it could ave killed me but lucky fr me it didnt,i changed drs after my sah and now see one who lnows wat thy are doing ,i realy do hope u will be ok but plz ave it checked
Hi please phone nhs direct for advice or go to your local A&E, my son had blurred vision and bad headaches for 2 weeks before he went to A&E that was when we found out he had hydrocephalus and had an emergency brain operation, so please have this checked out, it's better to be safe than sorry.