You know how it is after holidays, big let down and loads of washing, coupled with no2 daughter coming home to be looked after while recovering from anti- inflammatories being injected in her wrist( that's another story from when she broke her wrist just before her graduation ball at Oxford and her sisters wedding when she was bridesmaid!) Not a dull life, well it is now ! So I've decided to enrol for the charity swim in aid of Headway, And guess what? the local pool is closed for refurbishment 'til September, so bang goes the training, good job I've only said I'd do 500metres, you don't fall over in water!! So that's 8th Sept, it'll be fine!!
Meanwhile have to gee up no2 son and his A levels, needs 2B's and a C, and currently running at 1B and 2Cs, he's still in bed now and its 1pm, oh well it'll all come out in the wash I suppose.
I'm really having issues with the current jigsaw puzzle, can't see the picture in my mind at all. What has my life come down to ? good job I've still got a sense of humour, we've been re-doing my bedroom for 6 weeks now and when the new wardrobes are up, its time to re-decorate, may be finished for Christmas, or may not!
While I was in hospital loads of stuff was put up in the loft and I can't get up there to retrieve it but I daren't complain, I'll get it all down eventually, problem is too much stuff, I keep saying I need to pretend to move and have a huge clear out.
have to go now 'cos books have arrived for Dave's coursework (no excuse now) and I've just remembered I'd promised him a coffee to help wake him up, so easily sidetracked!
So bye for now, sorry about the drivel, will check back soon Take care Love Janetxxx