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Hysteroscopy Biopsy

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2 Replies

Hello everyone I'm new here and was wondering if I could ask about the above. I live on my own, no family and I suffer with severe depression and anxiety and well, maybe I am over reacting I am also so sorry for the huge post.

So I'm 58, post menopausal, last period was 10 - 12 years ago and I take HRT.

Back last year I started to get a very sharp niggling pain, in the bone if my vagina, it only lasted a few seconds but took my breath away, but because it wasn't daily, it came and it went, I thought no more of it until the next tme it happened. Fast forward a year or so on, this pain is much more like jeeez that hurt and I started to think maybe a trip to see my GP, I did and I got an appointment in the post for a scan. Went for the scan, the lady radiogropher said she could see that I had a herniya, kept going over my abdomen, said ok and the results would be sent to my GP & has requested to have another scan, so I assumed for the hernia.

In the meantime and before I was sent another scan, I went to the loo one day and was faced with what I can only describe as, a load of yucky brown slimey disgusting discharge, no pain nothing, I was like what is going on! So I thought wait and see what happens for a couple of days well nothing it did happen again, so made an appointment with the GP that was Thursday 26th July and the brownish & now red discharge had started, but my GP wanted "look", said she could see what looked like clots. Got dressed she said she would send me for another scan and to hand the form to the receptionist to fax for an appointment, & if I hadn't heard within a week to call the GP. Monday the 30th July, 4 days later, I get an envelope with two letters inside one letter was for a scan for Tuesday 31st July 10:am, the other letter was an appiotment for me to be seen by a Mr **** Consultant - in the rapid access clinic, at 8:30am Thursday 2nd August.

I was like blimey that was rapid, a scan and an appointment to see a consultant within 2 days of each other.

I go for the scan one where I have with full bladder this time, then after a while ok you can go and empty your bladder, got back the room to get dressed she said no don't get dressed I haven't finished yet, I need to do a TVU.... a WHAT?? I now know what that is!!

Two days later Thursday 2nd August, 8:30am I see the Consultant, who tells me the scans had been looked at and the lining of my womb is very thick (?). and that it would need to be looked at as it wasn't quite what they'd expected in a woman of my age & postmenopausle, then asked about children, any medication etc etc and went on to say that I needed to have a biopsy and that hopefully all will be ok. However if not, it may, may mean I might have to have a full hysterectomy taking everything away, which would reduce/eliminate any further treatment ie chemo or radium.

Given 2 paracetamol and after 20 minutes l I'm on my back looking at a picture of Wheres Wally on the ceiling. Three attempts later, he asks if I've had any surgery recently, (no) and said he couldn't get into my womb (?) and stopped the procedure, said I would have to have it done under general anasthetic didn't waste any time, filled out the consent form blah blah blah I signed and was told the biopsy will be done on the 20th August, the nurse gave me a pad and off I went got dressed. Then I went and done all the pre -op things booked myslf in for the biopsy saw another nurse who went through my medical history and went off for bloods then came home. When I got home checked the pad and nope nothing, thought well thats wierd nothing, oh well that's that then the same for Friday, day or night and the same for Saturday, day or night Sunday afternoon 5th August I got the, ooh that didn't feel right, went to investigate yes, a brown/reddsh guncky mess. Then nothing for the rest of the day or the night and same for Monday until......, late afternoon, bo nothing on the pad, but the pan showed otherwise, red and when I wiped myself so was the tissue. I rang my surgery reception put me through to speak to a doctor, he said there was nothing he could do as I am already in the "rapid access system" advised me to take iron tablets. Weds 8th August GP reception called with regards to my pre op blood tests I asked for an appointment with the lady Doctor so I am seeing her next Monday 13th August.

I do have a few questions the main one being is, as I'm having this biopsy procedure under general anasthetic can the consultant tell by looking, that cancer is present.

The reason I ask is that when I was 30, I had to go to the hosltal after a smear test came back showing pre cancerous cells. So went along to the hospital for the biopsy and before the doctor took it she said my cervix was absolutely covered with abnormal cells and even went to get other doctors to have a look at my cervix before she took the biospy. The following week I was taken in for a "loop cone biopsy". So was wondering if the same goes for a womb biopsy will he be able to tell if I will need the hyserectomy or not. I must say though if, I need to have it done or anthing else then so be it, as my only fear is.....the general anasthetic, the bit you can't remember closing your eyes!!!!

Wow what a long post I am so so sorry, just a bit anxious.

Look forward to reading replies


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2 Replies
Bluenose51 profile image

My situation is different but I did have a hysteroscopy under general anaesthetic -

I’m 51 years old (have 2 children) and had my 3rd Mirena coil inserted 18 months ago. The last two have lasted 4 years, however, with the latest I have started bleeding off and on for the last 4 months. Visited GP and was referred for an ultrasound and TVU which I had on Thursday. Yesterday I was told that I have a thickened uterine lining and a ? Polyp and have been referred for further tests. -

As I result of this I had the hysteroscopy (3 weeks ago) and the procedure was fine. I was nervous as I had never had a general anaesthetic before, but I was surprised at how well it went!

The Specialist told me that he took biopsies and that I have a large uterus but he was not concerned. He thinks I have had an oestrogen surge which the coil wasn’t able to control. I am peri-menopausal. I see him again in about 3 weeks but he would call me back earlier if there was any ‘problem’.

As others say, I think it’s the waiting that’s hard. I hope all goes well for you. X

Upcycler profile image
Upcycler in reply to Bluenose51

Thank you for the reply xx

Oh I am pleased that it's all going well for you. Fingers crossed then, that the next three weeks fly by for you, and yes you are right it's the waiting, anticipation ten fold lol.

Take care and I'll look out for news from you

Viv xx

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