Posts - Gluten Free Guerrillas | HealthUnlocked

Gluten Free Guerrillas

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All posts for March 2012

Are genuine coeliacs being masked by faddists and people with allergies? (BBC Breakfast TV, 19th March)

This morning, on BBC TV, an article about the vast increase in FreeFrom sales in...
philaustin profile image

'Wheat Belly'

Just for fun - saw this US website about wheat and gliadin. It is allegedly take...
Lynxcat profile image

490 mg of Dapsone per week, 4 bottles red wine @ 14% alc vol & occasional bottles of pear cider, is the alcohol going to affect Dapsone?

angel1980 profile image
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Is it likely that my son has CD. I am currently being tested. He complains of a tummy ache and has awful nappies (TMI) almost daily.

CarsonsMummy profile image

How long between gluten ingestion and vomiting for those with CD?

Hello, My 3 year old son was diagnosed with CD and started a GF diet in Augus...
doods28 profile image

FOUND: Gluten Free spice!

Having read that many spices are or could be packed with wheat flour I thought i...
Lynxcat profile image

Any relation with CD and high red cell blood count

I seem to have got this around same time as becoming unwell with CD two and half...
Ian67 profile image

Does anyone know of any biscuits, flour & bread that doesn't contain maize?

missporterloo profile image

Coeliac test came back negative, doctor said to try gluten-free anyway.

I've suffered with ever-worsening symptoms since an illness back in 2007, which ...

anyone else had problems with Neals Yard millet grains?

I rinsed them and then prepared them as per packet. Now I'm having a terrible it...
Lexy profile image

Whole Earth organic corn flakes.. These are ok aren't they?

Ian67 profile image

They say a sense of humour helps ....

Many people appear to think that trying to look at at least one thing to cheer y...
Lynxcat profile image

A Gluten & Nut free diet.

Two of my granddaughters have serious nut allergies & I am a coeliac. When my f...
judithr profile image

Other problems to may be consider ..................

We all of us know of the many confusing symptoms that occur when a tiny morsel o...
Lynxcat profile image

sleep problems with CD

Hi, just wondered if any one could help, my little boy was diagnosed with CD in ...
danielle76 profile image

Update on Waitrose and Warburton's GF Spiced Fruit Loaf

The good news is that they have agreed to stock this from mid March onwards. At ...
Alison77 profile image

Anyone have any ideas about skin problems?

After a year of gluten free- I've been eating gluten for nearly six weeks again ...
Abby profile image

An article from the BBC site

I read the following article and wanted to share it with you all .. I never rea...
Lynxcat profile image

Can anyone help?

I've been suffering with repeated ill health since May 2010 - throat infections,...
SaraG profile image

could i have coeliacs disease or another type of intolerence??

my brother was diagnosed 5 yrs ago with chrones, alot of my symptoms are mild ve...
lynn81 profile image

Ceoliac diet and Cosmetics??????

Can I use cosmetics with Wheat Protein in? I used some shampoo yest with it in a...
Elliecovellie profile image

Intolerances to nearly all foods!! Its easier to put what my son can eat!!

Hi my son is 11 and has been under investigation for the last 5 years for gastri...
missporterloo profile image

Struggling.... Please help

So I'm gluten and lactose (and read I should avoid soya too) Feeling a bit depr...
Ian67 profile image

Sainsburys Soft white seeded rollsI bloat up after 2 of these., I can't see anything in them though That may cause it?

Ian67 profile image

Has anyone else experienced hair loss/thinning?

Margaret-C profile image

How long did anyone with DH stay on Dapsone if that was the route they took?

It has been one year since my husband was diagnosed & put on Dapsone. One month ...
angel1980 profile image