Is it likely that my son has CD. I am... - Gluten Free Guerr...

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Is it likely that my son has CD. I am currently being tested. He complains of a tummy ache and has awful nappies (TMI) almost daily.

CarsonsMummy profile image
7 Replies
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CarsonsMummy profile image
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7 Replies
missporterloo profile image

He could also be lactose and dairy intolerant the best thing is to ask to get him tested as well, as it could be anything relating to the gut or allergies or intolerances.

Ask to be refered to a pediactric consultant they will organise tests etcfor him it can be a long process but worth it in the end.

Good luck with it all

NorthernSoul profile image

It could be a number of things, I'm afraid. But you've deffo done the right thing in getting him to see a doctor quickly so I'm sure you'll have your answer soon. Good luck and keep us updated with how he's doing!

FionaGFG profile image

It could be many things. Do keep us posted and let us know what the Dr says - good luck.

doods28 profile image

Hello, my son was diagnosed at 3 when I finally put all his 'symptoms' together and asked the doctor to test for coeliac.

His 'symptoms' were:

Huge, pale, soft (not 'formed') poos

Cravings for fruit and fruit juices

Always tired (we thought it was just laziness to start with - always wanted carried and wouldn't walk far)

Stopped eating bread, biscuits, cakes, chocolate and would rather have fruit.

Very irritable/grumpy

Large distended tummy

We also noticed he has some yellowish teeth which have not calcified properly and finally noticed the weight loss (this was quite a while after the other symptoms started but the one which finally led to him being tested.

Good luck with finding out what is causng his problems.


danielle76 profile image

hi, my son had simular symptoms, he started off as a really happy baby, but he changed into a different child round about 7 months of age, he had very loose nappies, cried all the time, and was lethargic, i took him to drs a few times and he was eventually tested for milk allergies, when they were negative the consultant told me it was because he had a poor diet and his loose nappies were overflow from his bowel, i was sent home from the hospital armed with laxatives, his symptoms didn't improve so i took him back to the drs, who thankfully refered him to the gastro unit at sheffield childrens hospital for blood tests; 1 week later his blood tests confirmed high possibility of coeliacs, he was booked in for an endooscopy, which confirmed he did indeed have coeliac disease. we still have a few problems, but with time he'll be ok, he's only 3. i know how tough it is,you want your child to be happy, good luck don't give up, much love, xx

CarsonsMummy profile image

Thanks for the replies. I had a failed endoscopy today. Couldn't manage it but my bloods have shown clear for CD which is highly frustrating as my symptoms point to it almost perfectly. I'm considering becoming gluten free anyway as the health benefits I think will slowly see me get better. He loves all food and has a great appetite for many food groups but he doesn't have solid stools and as we are approaching potty training this is difficult. I'm worried to start because of the mess. He has always had lots of flatulance even when breastfed and I really think the two of us would benefit from gluten free living.

My question now is - is it irresponsible to convert him to gluten free if he doesn't need it? Am I just creating an intolerance in later life? Thing is I'm a single working parent and the thought of eating seperate meals every mealtime is daunting.

Anyone here converted their children just because?

Thanks =) and sorry for delay in posting had the endoscopy on my mind =(

danielle76 profile image

my 3 year old is totally gluten free, and consequently so are the rest of my children including my 11 month old daughter i did this because as my little boy is so young and i didn't want him to get upset by seeing them eat food he couldn't, i asked the dietician for advice, he advised that as long as diet was well balanced, lots of fresh fruit, veg, pulses, beans, meat and fish they would thrive, however i'm not as strict with them, and do let them eat whatever they want when they go to parties, toddler groups etc, they do have proper bread for toast as gf stuff is dreadful. hope this helps, xx

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