I receive a weekly email update from the PA and I was wondering how many of you know of this association and what it campaigns about. If any of you, or your family, have been unfortunate enough to have spent time in hospital recently I'm sure you have a strong opinion on the care and treatment received.
Clare Rayner felt very strongly about elderly patients receiving poor care and campaigned before her death.
Some of the information in the current update covers:
1. Ombudsman publishes damning report on elderly care
2. Health inequality report reveals stark differences across the UK
3. Fake medicine rules passed by European Parliament
If you're interested sign up for their email newsletter. Also take a look at their webpage and ,if you feel like joining their campaigns, there is the ability to sign up on-line.
The PA email message explains:
The Patients Association is only able to work hard speaking up for patients with the support of our members. Our free E-membership is incredibly important as it allows us to keep you informed about our work and campaigns. Your continued support is crucial for us to be able to continue our work.
Join as a free E-member at patients-association.org.uk....
View their webpage at patients-association.org.uk
You can also show us support by leaving your comments on our new Twitter page:
Pop across and have a read, you may find they are busy campaiging on something you feel strongly about.