I've been a coeliac for nearly 30 years and have seen the great growth in gluten free products available in supermarkets but the latest trend is for them to change the recipes in their gluten free biscuits and use oat flour. I have unknowingly purchased these biscuits from Tescos and from Co-op and found that although they do not give me a full allergic reaction they give me feelings of nausea and of not feeling well. I can see the other supermarkets following suit and this means more products that should be suitable for me I am now not allowed to eat. I understand these are probably technically gluten free under the code but there are many coeliacs that are sensitive to oats so I don't think they should be in gluten free products and want to know how to get this message across so the whole range doesn't end up not being suitable.
It's not like the biscuits even taste any better, if they were now more delicious or healthier then I might understand why people would want them to stay this way and then I could just deal with not being able to have them myself.