Have decided to take the extra step of removing gluten from the toiletries I use, as it seems logical to me to do so, even if opinion is currently divided on this issue. I am particularly keen to source a gluten-free shampoo and conditioner, as one problem that has yet to respond to my gluten-free diet is my dry and itchy scalp.
As I have only been eating gluten-free for a couple of months, it may well be that I am expecting too much too soon, but I really want to do all that I can to speed my recovery.
I'd love to hear from other coeliacs about what products they use and would recommend, and whether they feel it has made a positive difference.
Also, how do you go about finding out whether your moisturiser or shower gel contains gluten? Is it best to contact the manufacturer or is it safe to rely on labels, the internet, or the opinions of shop staff?