Anyone had any blood tests showing raised Bilirubin, is there a correlation between Coeliacs and raised Bilirubin?
Raised Bilirubin : Anyone had any blood... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Raised Bilirubin
Hi Sotonowl,
How was the rest of your liver function blood tests? I take it doctor will be talking to you and explain your results.
Everything came back OK except the Bilirubin which was 34 with a range of 0-20. The nurse rang me to tell me the Doctor says it slightly high but there's no jaundice so we'll leave it at that sort of thing.
Its not that high. The doctors know what they are doing, probably get it checked again and just keep eye on you
I developed a elevated liver enzyme after taking a proton-pump inhibitor. I was tapered off it & my lab returned to normal range. Are you on any medication(s) that could be causing your elevation? If you are unsure ask your pharmacist.
I had this during pregnancy but I know that it can happen outside of pregnancy. Mine was called obstetric cholestasis. Dangerous for the baby. Causes backflow of bile acids in to the blood as body has very sluggish gallbladder and liver. Easy for those with Coeliac to get it... due to damage to gut causing leakage and general toxicity.
Ps I wasn’t diagnosed gluten sensitive or Coeliac at the time.
Interestingly I had obstetric cholestasis in pregnancy & soon after had baby started with symptoms of coeliac disease ...... ignored them for a long while before being diagnosed.
I'm convinced, if the patients were studied, that there would be a very high incidence of Coeliac/gluten sensitivity in women experiencing obstetric cholestasis. I had mentioned it to the lady who runs the organisation for the condition in this country but she didn't want to listen.
I agree seems too much of a coincidence. I find alot of GP’s and consultants are dismissive of links to things so that is a shame she didn’t want to listen either.
Thanks all for your replies, you put my mind at rest somewhat. It was 30 around 18 months ago so I'll probably keep my eye on it. For all I know it could have increased and be on the way back down since going GF as I am feeling considerably better although I'm not diagnosed.
As far as the Doctor goes I feel it's just a revolving door, i'm no sooner in than I'm out again.
You can help the liver by taking milk thistle and acupuncture. I managed to bring my levels right down to safe levels during pregnancy using both of these.
I had read about milk thistle, I'll be ordering some later today from Natures Best I reckon. Thanks.
In answer to your question I am coeliac and have higher than average Bilirubin. Apparently the high bilirubin runs in our family. But i am the only coeliac.
I've got coeliac issues, thyroid issues, hiatus hernia, obesity, now have gallstone issues with a fatty liver - I had pnuemonia & gallbladder inflammation & pain, the ultrasound, cat scan & MRI showed gallstones causing bile duct issues & a fatty liver. My bloods showed a raised bilirubin level, due to my gallstones & gallbladder inflammation causing issues with my liver I also had raised liver function tests. I was placed on Cefafaxin & Metronidazole antibiotics and my levels improved the last MRI showed no stone stuck in bile duct so it must have past. So I was released home to recover from the gallbladder pain & the pneumonia.