I have been on Gluten free diet for 2 years after been diagnosed with Coeliac .My last 2 blood tests have been on the high side said GP so being referred back to hospital consultant.I am very careful with my diet so abit concerned 😦
Coeliac raised blood test : I have been... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Coeliac raised blood test

Have they told you the actual number at all?
We've been having issues with codex wheat starch, which is used in a lot of gluten free food (e.g. juvela bread). It is basically wheat, which has had the gluten washed out of it, so it has less than the 20ppm limit. Some with coeliac disease do get sick from eating the stuff - do you think this could be your problem?
Yes possibly I usually buy Wothertons or Marks & Spencer’s my last level was 10
Sometimes you get glutened and
don’t think of these small things. Don’t use
toaster that has had gluten in it. Also have your own cooking utensils pans etc.
Instead of changing my toaster I cleaned it as it was quite new. I use toaster bags for none gluten free bread. I thought this would be ok but maybe I should buy a new toaster. Thanks for your reply.
Depends how much you cook from scratch and how attached you are to baked goods, but after about six months my other half was willing to join me in being gluten free in the house. We bought a new toaster and wooden spoons, and deep cleaned everything else. Nobody has ever noticed that they're being fed gluten free at dinner parties and apart from bread our diet hasn't changed much. If he fancies normal pizza, French bread, a proper custard cream or a McDonald's then he gets his gluten fix outside the house.
Codex wheat starch is a real nuisance. Even though it is less than 20 ppm gluten, it can still accumulate in your body and cause a problem. I can't eat anything with Codex wheat starch in it as I get a bad reaction because I am allergic to wheat but not specifically gluten. Juvela is off the menu, and I scrutinise the labels of all 'gluten free' bread and everything else to be honest.
I will try this thanks .
Hi there, I had a similar problem as I ate only natural whole foods that were naturally gf but being a single working dad I introduced codex wheat and became anaemic, I also avoid malted cereals malt vinegar even pickles like ploughman’s pickle give me a head ache and the runs and I avoid oats.
I agree with the others about toasters having your own butter/spread and ideally your own GF preparation area in the kitchen.
I also read food labels carefully regardless of the crossed grain symbol.
If you’ve time meals cooked from scratch are by far the best nutritionally.
Good luck and you’re not alone in being sensitive to allowed levels of gluten.
Jerry 😊

Thanks was a bit worried about raised levels and the damage it maybe causing me. I do eat out a lot to socialise and always stick to gluten free option. The whole thing is a pain really 😀
When you eat out, do you question the staff about cross-contamination? We find there are a lot of restaurants who offer gluten free menus, but they aren't technically gluten free, because the food isn't prepared in a safe way (e.g. chips aren't prepared in a gluten free frier, counters aren't cleaned down from gluten containing foods)
Some good points already made but I thought I’d add that there’s increasing controversy around the methods of ‘removing’ and testing gluten levels for gluten-free beer and perhaps the codex wheat issues might be similar.
For beer an enzyme is used to clarify the beer which also causes testing for gluten to show low levels. The issue seems to be that commercial gluten removal is actually just snipping the gluten molecule DNA into smaller bits and that we as coeliacs actually continue to react to parts of those snipped up bits of the DNA despite the tests not spotting it.
If you’re interested Google “GIG gluten free beer” and you’ll see the USA coeliac organisation research with Chicago Uni.
That's interesting to know. I find I'm OK with gluten free Peroni and the Brewdog Vagabond, but I can't tolerate Daura Damm.
Also never had issues with Waddingtons 6X. There's a pub just off the M4 near Bath that does all its fish and chips gluten free using 6X and very fine it is too! The mother in law, who is built like a sparrow, always protests at the huge portions and then ends up stealing other people's chips.
It so easy to get “ gluted” i gave up on breads all together as i swear there was still something in there that was not agreeing with me. As soon as i did that i was fine.
I have been gluten and bread free for over two years now and never felt better.
Also i tend to make everything from scratch so i know no mistakes can happen.
When i eat out i stick to thing like meat and veg and generally there nothing in that to b worried by.
To tell truth bread was never my friend! I think yeast is a problem with me to unfortunatley