I have just ordered my first prescription for Fresh Juvela white bread and have been told that one has to have eight loaves. As I eat only half a loaf a week this will take ages to get through and fill up the freezer. I was wondering if anyone would like to 'share' a prescription?
Does anyone live in Romsey? - Gluten Free Guerr...
Does anyone live in Romsey?

Hi Trenny,
Are you aware that what you've just suggested is actually illegal?!! Any prescriptions issued in your name are for you and you only.
I agree that it's very hard having to accept eight loaves of bread in one go. It was for that reason that I used to have Glutafins long life bread roles in packs of 4. Each packet was worth half a unit and could be kept in the cupboard until needed because they were hermetically sealed.
I think it's time to fill your freezer....
Hi Trenny,
Have you considered baking your own bread? I get flour on prescription and make bread my wife 'steals' as it's so yummy. Only downside is that, as there are no preservatives which is a good thing, the bread doesn't stay fresh for longer than say 24 hours or so.
The upside is you'll be able to control output in relation to your needs.
Hi SDM would you share your bread recipe? Tia
Hi Henbur, I use prescription flours. Mainly Juvela white and Juvela Fibre mix (50/50). Add heaped tps of dried yeast, level tsps of Xanthan Gum, brown sugar and salt. 1 egg and a splash of cider vinegar. Add 14 flozs of tap water and two generous Tbps of olive oil.
Assuming you use a breadmaker? When the machine starts off I help the mix using a spatula to make sure all the flour is thoroughly mixed together.
When baked I use the same spatula to free the edges of the loaf from the sides of the `oven`. Tap out the loaf and leave to cool
You can vary the mix by adding seeds/fruit etc at about 1/4 hour into the 3 hour cycle.
They will probably be long life loaves- they just sent me free fresh sample and in a trial box, long life ones. They also do a mix of rolls and bread both brown and white so you might have more use from something like that.