Propolis: Hi guys.I want to try... - Gluten Free Guerr...

Gluten Free Guerrillas

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Mikeila profile image
23 Replies

Hi guys.I want to try propolis alcohol free for my gut.Does anyone knows if it's gluten free?Thanks

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23 Replies
Penel profile image

Not come across this product before, so can't help. Having googled Propolis, it doesn't appears to be marketed as a gut healer, but I may have missed something.

The usual suggestion for gut repair is probiotics, in whatever form you can manage: tablets, fermented foods, live yoghurt.

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply to Penel

Hi penel, Propolis is an ingredient contained in an alcohol free product I buy. I bought, it to first of all get rid of the toxins in my gut, so yes the complete product is a cleaner and healer - then I'm about to start on the probiotics. to get some good bacteria in there.

So I'm starting with clearing all the rubbish that too many self-OTC or doc prescribed meds that do no good, leave behind. It also helps stops things like brain fog, confusion etc that too many antidepressants leave behind in the endocrine system, as well as the brain!

I do not generally self medicate. I've stopped taking all but essential (2) prescribed med, plus the Arko Royal now for the gut clean up! I've told my doctor. Somewhat surprised, he was and I also told him I'm consulting with the Pharmacist for the correct nutrients. One of the docs is VitD3, the other is Levothyroxine.

I've eaten gluten containing products all my life, never had IBS., but wasn't metabolising my food, hence I became overweight and was diagnosed as Hypothroid. Even the Thyroxin didn't work, but losing weight through less alcohol, smaller food portions and some exercise did.

Now the Arko has been cleaning out my system of the meds I was also given, and I've learnt more about the essential vitamins and minerals we need has helped me maintain my weight for over a year. I have weetabix for breakfast every day, and eat a sandwich at lunchtime. Using the mixed flour Granular bread.

I've discovered all above for myself, purely through doing some research into the medications I was taking! Taking on the correct quantities of vitamins and minerals is the most essential of all. Much more important than cutting out gluten through my own experience.

We need to take on the good things and stop taking the bad like alcohol, and unecessary meds, for depression - all self inflicted!

Why do you think the French and Dutch in general look slimmer, stay healthier and yes also eat bread everyday. Rice and pasta are not good. I now live in France. Have done for 8 years and think with the way we lived, Ate and still do is our own fault. The U.K. And USA have the worst obesity and diet problems of the western world. The Spanish and Italian eat a lot of rice and pasta between them. They are also often overweight and obese once their teens and 20's are over. Think about it! Especially as Brits are worse for alcohol consumption, a sure fire way to add the calories.

Penel profile image
Penel in reply to SAMBS

Hi Sambs, pleased to hear you have found your own way to health.

Most of the people on here have coeliac disease, an autoimmune disorder which means that it is essential not to eat gluten in any form. The immune system's attack on gluten means that the gut lining is damaged, leading to several possible serious health problems.

Having looked at the studies on propolis on the PubMed site, it has some interesting antibacterial and antifungal properties but I think it might have to be taken with some caution by anyone with a gluten-damaged gut.

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply to Penel

Hi penel, yes I also have an autoimmune disorder! And other health issues, Thyroid, liver, blood cells through the spleen being wrecked by being on 2 meds that did not go well together in MY system, leaving me with now, a continually reducing platelet count and my Leucocytes are not within normal ranges any more, Pernicious Anaemia. the name for the several conditionsis Thrombocytopenia.

So you see, it's too easy to assume the Autoimmunity arrives from one specific condition rather another that is also present in the body at the same time! it depends which antigens are sticking to which cells in the blood and what affect that is having along the way. I started life as a young baby having a tb infected gland removed and at age 14 at school did NOT need to be vaccinated against TB. I was already immune. My medical records that don't exist any more in the NHS, I've tried to locate them, so I can't verify if it was a parathyroid or something else in my neck.

But every thing stems from and affects my Adrenal and therefore endocrine system. If people are gluten intolerant, that also is the endocrine system, which yes needs a healthy gut for life. That very much involves having the correct vitamins and minerals etc., in the system, Not just suddenly! This is why the pharmacist recommended the Arko Royal, containing natural ingredients. That is why I am clearing the 'muck' out before putting the probiotics back. Gluten Is not a problem for me personally or I wouldnt be able to eat things like weetabix, bread cakes biscuits.

All I've suggested is that people do really think about what either has gone on before or is also present now in their systems, and then rushing down to the supermarkets to join the throng of people looking to buy the processed gluten free products. Nature and its own naturally produced products are a far safer bet than those produced in factories with all the suspect ingredients.

Food for thought, is all I'm suggesting. Milk is the most natural product in the world for all mammals! From babies down, milk is the first thing they drink. Produced by their mothers naturally through hormonal changes In her body.

I'm just asking that people start looking at their own health problems from a different angle as I have done. Stopping all the different drugs I was prescribed, except I for a specific gland, is what has improved my health more than anything. I haven't needed to change my diet with food products that I've eaten all my life, no digestive system problems either.

Penel profile image
Penel in reply to SAMBS

It can certainly be difficult to work out where particularly complex health problems have come from, as you say, and making sure you are eating good food is essential. The usual advice on here to anyone recently diagnosed, is to avoid ready made supermarket gluten free food.

Coeliac disease is one of the few (perhaps only) autoimmune disease that can usually be accurately diagnosed, via blood tests for antibodies, and a biopsy to show physical damage to the wall of the gut lining. It is unfortunately very under diagnosed. The damage to the gut lining also means that some people no longer produce the enzyme to digest milk products.

I am always interested in looking at ways to improve my health and have found the book by Sarah Ballantyne, "The Paleo Approach", to be very helpful. She writes about ways to heal our bodies from autoimmune diseases.

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply to Penel

Thanks penel, I understand that, the 'other drugs' mainly consisted of anti-depressants prescribed for my Brain Injury from an aneurysm and brain haemorrhage 3 years ago. If I'd lived in UK then, I know I'd have had better and proper medical aftercare there than I've had here! Drugs alone are never the answers, because of the other conditions they bring about.

Yes I've had antigen blood tests, my blood tests can consist of between 12-16 things tested. Thing is I'm not sure what they are all for, except they involve my Thyroid, Liver, and blood!

I've also had a full Endoscopy here From throat down to duodenum, the doctor said when he was doing it there was a lot of of infected mucous. All relevant blood tests have ruled out alcohol and cancer for any of the conditions. The only thing not ruled out is Latent TB, or TB disease again, itself, as my father had happen for a 2nd time just a few before he died with similiar symptoms and I now think, conditions i currently have, plus his Death Cert 3 causes of death!

am paying privately to have that blood test done this week! Latent could be the cause of my autoimmunity.

That was in 2014. Immediately afterwards he gave me an ECG. Said I had high blood pressure (which I hadn't either before or since) he said for that he was prescribing me Propranolol. That definitely didn't agree with me, or the Levothyroxine I take. Also messed with my head, brought back in a worse way a lot of the neural symptoms I'd had from the BI. It was that Autumn I decided to stop taking all the meds except Levo. Antidepressants/ the lot!

It's since then I've slowly improved my health and certainly the neural effects. My neurotransmitters are working better now. I'm feeling 'myself' again - how I was before it all started going wrong.

Yes I've even looked at Coeliac disease,msomeine on a different community suggested I might have it.

I'm not looking for extra conditions to have, just to find out why all these various conditions have occurred in a relatively short space on time in my life.

The Liver Endo here dared to say to me last October, that I was looking for a another illness! That was after I'd asked her as an Endocrinologist why she wasn't making any connections, especially in light of my father's causes of death.

That was when I told to god find a Holistic specialist!

Last week I asked my Doctor what the Propranolol was for ( just to see what he would say) he said, for my oesophageal Varices, I then asked the pharmacist 10 minutes after - he said Blood pressure.

So with conflicting medical opinions and drugs, I'm sure you understand my position and why I try and warn people to think about more about everything.

I use Wiki often to start with, then the ncbi.nim.nih website, which had links to Webmed, who publish scientific articles on various conditions and update with progress info into medical/scientific research.

They are HonCode and/or Trusted websites. I also use and labtestsonline. Blood tests are something I rarely comment on, only on the Thyroid Community occasionally. I am basically, because I am only a patient, a participating member of Headway (brain haemorrhage /injury) and Thyroid UK.

I don't really participate in the Liver Community, because my cirrhosis is not Cancer or Alcohol related, most of the members on there are.

My biggest concerns in general are because of effects of over/wrongly prescribed or OTC meds. there is no single community for the Endcrine system, because the Endocrine system is so often involved in many other other conditions/ illnesses and mental Health problems.

Not many Communities promote the whole food chain, healthy guts, Vitamins and Minerals etc.

If we all cured ourselves we'd put the Pharmaceutical and Health systems out of business


Mental Health/Social issues are Currently the fastest growing health and financial concerns of the NHS and Social Services.

We, all the people, basically hold the power in our own hands to improve and help our health. I notice now that more and more questions on the communities are by and from people expecting us to have all the answers and be their doctors!

Yet we are NOT medically qualified,,

just capable of doing our own research and helping ourselves and passing on what relevant verifiable tips and info we can? The rest is down to the Questioner to put into the context of their own health!

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply to Penel

Penel, what are the specific blood tests for coeliac, I can see if they are on any of my previous test results in last 2+ years.

Penel profile image
Penel in reply to SAMBS

Hope this is of some use.

SAMBS profile image

Hi. Mikella, I'm currently on month 2 of a course of Arko Royal Dynergie - it contains Gingseng+Royal Jelly+Acerola+Propolis - guaranteed alcohol and colourant free. I don't know about the gluten.

You'll find Arkopharma on their arkopharma.? Website. Mine is .fr, you can try .uk.

They do several languages, I bought mine in France on recommendation of Pharmacist here. I take for 20 days and stop for 10. It's a fortified and stimulant complex.

Your chemist if you are in the Uk, has probably got some in stock! It's not cheap, but I have found it extremely beneficial for clearing out and healing the gut system of all the bad things sitting there. It has improved my appetite, energy, and made me feel light and bright! I'm also eating and sleeping better.

The 1st month really started working v fast. I will soon be putting some probiotics in to make and keep the gut healthy. As well as Vit C, better obtained through fruit and veg,,but there are good quality mixed fruit juices, sugar free except from its natural sources. I am waiting till 2 big blood tears are done next week and till I finish the Arko course this month. I've also put a list on the Thyroid uK website a link to That Vitamin C film. It's quite a long watch, but well worth it!

I am hypo thyroid with some other conditions, but don't find that gluten affects me anyway, except unless I eat white bread whether in UK or here and don't eat baguette any more. It's usually gluten that leads to IBS. I can eat the v light brown bread with seeds in it quite happily. I also have weetabix every for breakfast!

So it may be a question of try above and see how you get on! Good luck!

Mikeila profile image
Mikeila in reply to SAMBS

Thank you so much.This sounds awesome.Im in the UK so I will ask my chemist and I will give it a try.Thanks again for taking the time to share😊

Mikeila profile image
Mikeila in reply to SAMBS

Sorry what is the name of the product?

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply to Mikeila

1 st line of my reply to you. Arko Royal - in English it might say synergie, not Dynergie cos that's on my French box! You'll see all the other words inc all the ingredients with + Inbetween them, on the website. If you have probs let me know and I'll try and find it on uk site. Last time I looked, the product was being promoted on the front page of their website.

Mikeila profile image
Mikeila in reply to SAMBS

thanks. I will have a look:)

Mikeila profile image

Silly question..what is Acerola?

Mikeila profile image
Mikeila in reply to Mikeila

Never mind I Google it😊

SAMBS profile image

I've just typed in my search engine,

- if one thing doesn't work I usually try something different like a .com or .org, but the .com worked.

It's come up in English, and bottom right there is a picture of Arko Royal. Below that is a little note saying visit the dedicated websites.

Propolis may be the honey, I'm not sure now. Sorry with the BI I forget things I've read a few weeks ago. All I know is I bought it, I'm taking it and feeling so much better for it.

Let me know how you get on with the website! I'm sure you'll find the information will help you!

Shirley x .

SAMBS profile image

Oops sorry, no I bought it from the chemist. I don't buy meds online, no guarantee what I'll get or where it's come from what's in it! But that just me :-)

SAMBS profile image

No I bought in France where I live. I assumed you live in the UK. Which is why I used the word Chemist, not pharmacy, as ours and I believe American ones are called.

However I think it is a nationally supplied med, they may answer your email telling you what country you can buy it. Although their website indicates the available languages, and should also pick up on your IP location. did you tell them where you live?

Have a look at their website again. I assume you found the info on the constituent properties of Arko Royal, that says what the ingredients are?

You just need to do a bit closer looking at the all info on the front page of their website. It's not a difficult site to follow. Good luck x

Mikeila profile image
Mikeila in reply to SAMBS

Thanks.Yes I looked at the ingredients and I read about the benefits.I hope they will answer me if not I will have to find someone in France to buy it for me or to make a trip over there 😊

Mikeila profile image
Mikeila in reply to SAMBS

Sorry can you tell me please how much is it in France?Thanks

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply to Mikeila

No sorry, Threw the sales receipt away 2 months ago. The pharmacy probably puts their own mark up on it anyway and I don't see how it would help you knowing what I pay! sorry.

Mikeila profile image
Mikeila in reply to SAMBS

I was just trying to calculate the equivalent from euro to £ nothing else because you said it's expensive but thank you anyway

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply to Mikeila

Your chemist will tell you, and it won't commit you to buying it.

If you can afford it, then the decision is yours but as I said yesterday make sure it's the right thing for you, by discussing your condition/s with the Pharmacist first. The chemist may have a different product better suited to you than the Arko Royal I take.

I just said how it had helped me and suggested people check it out for themselves. I'm not medically qualified! Just a patient patient.

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