Hope you are all doing well.
Just a quick update following my post regarding raised BP and Amlodipine. I will keep it brief due to recent surgery. My GP was not aware of any effect of Amlodipine and glaucoma and felt that it was the best one for me. She explained that BP is calculated as an average average a series of readings and mine was on the upper end of normal. Due to the pending surgery, she prescribed a small dose of Doxazosin. I have not heard of it before but it appears to have helped a bit. This is in addition o the Amlodipine. Does anyone use this?
Regarding the surgery, I had needling and bleb revision done on Thursday. At my post-op check on Friday, the pressure was down to 1 (hypotony) and vision blurred in the eye. I have been prescribed Atropine drops and told to rest to help elevate the pressure. I have another review on Monday. They are aware that I had the same complication a few years ago following needling in my other eye, so hopefully it will resolve. Would be grateful of any advice if anyone has the same experience. I was wondering if doing the opposite to reduce pressure would help. Things like sleeping in a lower position, more caffeine etc. I will follow the post-op advice regarding rest, no lifting, housework etc. Also my eye feels very dry so I presume I can use as much lubricant as needed.