Just to update anyone who may have seen my earlier posts regarding my up and coming microshunt surgery.
I am now in week two of recovery. The operation went well; my eye was swollen and sore but not painful. My eye pressure went from 42 to 5 and is currently at 8, so my vision is still quite blurry but should improve with time.
For me the biggest challenge is administrating the eye drops every two hours, which is quite restrictive and doesn’t leave much time to rest. Movement is also quite restricted as the eye can be easily damaged when pressures are low, but again that is a temporary inconvenience and nothing compared to what would have happened if my eye had been left untreated.
I hope this reassures anyone who is scheduled for surgery as I was terrified beforehand but am now relieved and looking forward to maybe feeling more like my old self. As others have said recovery is a process so you need to be patient and not rush things; my next hospital appointment is in a week so hopefully things will continue to go well.
If I can help anyone who maybe has a more specific question please do get in touch.🙂