I have had a glaucoma diagnosis for many years. Last December I had a preserflow shunt inserted. Unfortunately, I developed post-operative endophthalmitis 8 weeks after surgery. My sight has returned to a useful level but not as good as it was before. Unfortunately, the pressure in the operated eye has risen again as a result of the bleb becoming encysted. I am due to have a bleb needling procedure in 3-4 weeks time. In the meantime the hospital has asked my GP to takeover the prescribing of Dexafree eye drops which I have been taking in diminishing doses since the operation. Throughout this time the hospital has prescribed my Dexafree drops. The Consultants letters asks the GP to prescribe "Dexamethasone DEXAFREE 0.1% 0.4 ml unit dose eye drops preservative free". I have been on preservative free drops for over a year as my eyes were reacting to the preservatives. My GP wishes to prescribe Maxidex 0.1% eye drops in a bottle. I am concerned that these drops are neither unit dose nor preservative free. I have pushed back quite hard citing my need to retain maximum eye health in view of the upcoming needling procedure but have not succeeded in getting Dexafree or a generic single dose preservative free eye drop prescribed.
My drops run out on Monday. I do not feel I should have been put in this position as I am unable to judge if the preservative in Maxidex (benzalkonium chloride) is less of an irritant than the preservatives in Azargha and the other drops to which I reacted badly.
What do you think I should do? If this has not been resolved by Monday, should I take the Maxidex or contact the hospital?