I had a right trabeculectomy nearly 4 months ago & all was well until about a week ago. I have used regular lubricating drops as I have had the same surgery in my left eye that was complicated by uveitis. I have tried a variety of lubricating drops & eventually Theoloz gel was recommended & worked well, however, it has been out of stock. Can anyone recommend a good lubricant? I currently use Celluvisc & Theoloz duo. I have recently tried Hylo Forte intensive but none seem as effective as the gel based one. I am on a long term maintenance dose of steroid drops in my left eye & desperate to avoid this in my right eye. I have completed my steroid post-op steroid regime but suspect that the dryness may be due to some scarring. I have a follow up appointment on Monday but keen to find an effective eye lubricant. Thanks for any advice that can be given.