My prescription has been switched to Cosopt preservative free. I requested a multi bottle rather than unit doses for environmental reasons, which my consultant was happy to do . I then presented the prescription to my GP practice, but the pharmacist at the practice has changed it to unit doses. Does anyone know if there is a difficulty with the supply of Cosopt in bottles at the moment? This is the second time at my. GP pharmacist has switched me to unit doses (both multi bottle and unit doses should be preservative free) and it feels very frustrating.
Cosopt in bottles: My prescription has been... - Glaucoma UK
Cosopt in bottles
There is a problem at the moment. My pharmacy is unable to get the bottles of cosopt pf but are able to get the single use vials. This is the second time this has happened this year.
Thanks for this. In that case I will just be grateful that it is available in any form an all and take the unit doses!
Hello, I was very interested to see your post as, following surgery on my right eye, I was prescribed Cosopt Preservative Free to be used twice a day. Normally my other various eye drops have had to be discarded after 28 days, even if there is still some left in the bottle. I noticed on the box containing the bottle of Cosopt it said to discard after two months! I queried this with my consultant and he said it was correct and that it was because of the “special bottle” containing the drops. I’m still a little confused! I hope I will be able to get my next bottle when the time comes, as it very worrying when the pharmacy cannot get hold of the medication.
Hello. The multidose bottle is designed to last 2 months. I have attached an article which you and other members may find interesting and helpful.
I would check with the pharmacist. But order your repeats well in advance in order to avoid running out v
Are you based in the UK? Here, Eylamdo is one equivalental alternative preservative-free option to Cosopt.
Agree they have done it to me on various
Drops the eye hospital prescribe certain
Medications and GP goes for cheaper alternatives 🇺🇦🇺🇦👍