Hi, I had a Trabeculectomy just shy of 2 years ago which has been stable however I’ve now got a build up of scar tissue which has caused the pressure to spike. After 8 weeks on steroid eye drops with no change in eye pressure I’m now to have a needling procedure on the bleb on Monday coming.
I’m just wondering for anyone who has had this procedure what the recovery time was like? More specifically, for a full time computer based job. Google says a week, and the consultant said yesterday that there is no harm in working from home from the day after if you feel able. I understand vision can be blurry and eye red and uncomfortable. I appreciate everyone’s recovery is different but it would be good to get an idea to let my employer know re recovery days off following. They are not very supportive for any eye related absences which makes me feel anxious hence wondering what’s a realistic recovery time to manage expectations.
Also anxious to have this done under sedation as had my trab under general anaesthetic - the thought of needling sounds terrifying and painful. Any words of encouragement would be hugely appreciated! Still in my 30s so the thought of a failed trab so early on is really worrying me.
Thank you for reading