I am having Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty soon. I wonder what to expect after the procedure. How quick will recovery be? Will I be able to drive the next day? I would be most grateful for any advice from anyone who has had the procedure.
Upcoming SLT procedure-what to expect. - Glaucoma UK
Upcoming SLT procedure-what to expect.

I had a different experience on each eye.
Had my left eye first and my vision was back to Normal the next day.
When I had the other eye done, the next day it was though I was looking through a foggy glass. It took two days to return to normal vision.
To play it safe, I would not make plans that involve driving for two days if you are having both eyes done at once.
hi, what’s you glaucoma story?
I had the laser surgery done last October. It only takes a few minutes and there is no pain or discomfort. I went abroad on holiday two days later. Unfortunately it didn’t work for me and I had to return to drops.
I had SLT in both eyes. The procedure is painless, just 100 laser zaps in each eye, distributed around the trabecular mesh, about 15 minutes per eye. No after effects at all - I wouldn't have known that I'd had any treatment. Just had to take drops for a while (Acular, 4x per day, for 5 days). Normal life was unaffected. It didn't work though, pressures were unaffected, and I've ended up with a Preserflo microshunt in one eye, and probably will have one in the other eye too in due course...
Hi Cleo please read my posts on SLT I had it done 2 years ago. I chose 1 eye at a time within a week of eachotheras I was worried about having clear vision and I did not want to panic. however when I had it done based on my experience, I could have had 2 eyes at the same time. I got someone to drive me home which is recommended incase of problems. Slightly bleary not much and fine by the next day. read my posts i update my pressure online to help people see the updated results. I usually go every 3 months to my consultant. in my posts is exactly what happens. it is nothing, you do not feel anything. good luck and take care valfrance
I have had a very different experience from most, but this is just to balance it out.
I had SLT in my right eye as the eye drops had stopped working. Unfortunately, i had an adverse reaction to it and it sent my pressure through the roof in my affected eye. After a few trips back and forth to A&E I ended up having an emergency Microshunt inserted to help manage the pressure. Things have settled down now but i have lost some vision due to the period of high pressure (over a few weeks).
However this is not meant to scare you, just makes you aware of possible side effects so you know when something needs attention. My eye was fine for 3 / 4 days and then it went super blurry which didn't go away until I had the surgery. So should you have such a reaction then please go to the A&E straight away.
My consultant at Bristol Eye hospital said he has only seen this once before in the 24 years he has been working in this area. Very very unlikely to happen but should anything this occur then please don't dawdle!!
Thank you for the warning. I had the procedure and so far all seems well although unexpectedly I did have the procedure in both eyes. Whether it was successful is too soon to say.
Hi there really good reading all the responses. I'm also just after booking SLT in both eyes for end of April. I have been on here talking about my high eye pressure and my reluctance to take drops as initial consultation seemed vague and more preventative. I was nervous and not at all arrogant but just trusted my instincts not to take drops. However I also made it my business to attend another private consultant much closer to where I live and cheaper! This man did all the tests again explained everything in a much more accessible way to me. He said no obvious signs of Glaucoma and yes high pressure. He said SLT would be preferred first option especially as I haven't taken drops and success rate very high. Also because no Glaucoma at moment in his opinion more cost effective in long run. Showed me research known as the light study. Left me to think about it. Yes big cost but for me makes way more sense than taking drops for a condition I may or may not develop. However I'm totally prepared to go the drops route if this does not work. I'm trying not to worry too much about procedure. He said I would be fine to work day after procedure. Two eyes together our holiday in Spain just cancelled but hubby and I both agree it's more important to get this done. So just hoping and praying time will pass and all will go well. Consultant had no concerns about waiting next four or five weeks considering all the other tests. Thanks so much for reading.