I am always opting for anything that makes my life easier and really getting sick of my severe dry eyes. Yes I use all the drops and gel but they are just getting worse. I’ve been googling and came across Peep Club. Has anyone used the wand or any of the products? Thanks 🙏🏻
Has anyone with dry eyes tried Peep Club produ... - Glaucoma UK
Has anyone with dry eyes tried Peep Club products?

I have dry eye but I also have an allergy to the glaucoma eye drops I was on. It went on for over a year and I got to the point that I could work fully. Putting drops in all the time and on a few courses of steroids too.
2 consultant appointment said it was dry eye and nothing could be done then one mentioned poss allergy . Changed my drops and I now am 80% improved and just managing dry eye now .
Its worth ask about allergy.
Yes couldn't agree more, often for us Glaucoma patients they label these issues Blepharitis / dry eyes, when really the real issue is the eye drops causing various levels of irritation to the eyes and skin. Personally I never had an issue until I started eye drops and now I have dry eyes and very sore red skin all around the eye.
I totally agree. Glaucoma drops caused my dry eyes. I then developed a severe allergic reaction which was eventually diagnosed as a reaction to the preservative in the Glaucoma drops. I was changed to preservative- free drops and my eyes improved. I try hard not to get the drops on the skin around my eyes as they do cause extreme dryness. Wash clean if necessary rather than just mopping up.
I think that’s one thing I’ve never been great at, properly cleaning around my eyes. Mainly because of where I put them in. I think I could also get better with my whole eyelid cleansing routine
This is the beginning,wash and rinse with eyes closed after 15 minutes or so,I splash!!... when I feel very lazy at night I have a bottle of water with saline solution which i spray on and around the closed eyes ......then a few minutes later a dab of pure virgin coconut oil, gently spreading on the eye brows ,all around the eyes, don't worry if a little discomfort occurs,soon clears up..... next morning I sometimes still find dryness around the eyes for which I use a tissue+warm water to moisten the eyes...... Don't forget punctual occlusions, always what ever happens!.... Good wishes from Thailand!🎵💦💦

Hello Vich81.
I have just looked at the website. I can see it is the type you spray on your eyelids. As you also have glaucoma, a dry eye drop which is used on the surface of the eye tends to be more beneficial.
But it is worth speaking to your consultant for their opinion before purchasing, as £15 is quite expensive.
If a person suffers from dry eye, they should be prescribed a preservative free eyedrop. However sometimes the drops they need to treat their glaucoma (remember every person is different) is not available as a preservative free option and the consultant has no choice but to prescribe eyedrops that contains preservative to treat them successfully. The consultant can offer up to 2-3 different eyedrops, but if the patient suffers discomfort or the eyedrop doesn't work as well as hoped, then they have to look at other options such as laser or surgery.
If you do suffer from dry eye and the eyedrops you use are not available as a preservative free option, putting a dry eye drop in 20-30 minutes before can help with the stinging as the eye will be hydrated and lubricated. You could also do this after making sure the 20-30 minutes gap is followed.
Thanks Trish. There is a little wand thing that they are selling with their sprays and wondered if that sort of thing has been tested by any fellow Glaucoma patients. I think the 19 years of drops (always preservative free) and 50 injections in my left eye has made my eyes unbearable now. Looking into additional care for them really but I do actually have a consultation on Tuesday with a doctor so best time to ask about it.
Hi there, I have tried the peep club wand but I found it irritated my inflamed eyelids. I too have very dry eyes, caused by years of using glaucoma eyedrops and many surgical procedures. I have recently had a course of IPL treatment which has helped relieve my symptoms. It was expensive (I had to have it done privately) but worth it as far as I am concerned.
I am such a sucker for ‘miracle cure products’ so did really want to look into it first before purchasing. Someone else’s experience is always helpful. I have never heard of that procedure in terms of helping dry eyes. Has it given you a decent relief? I can always ask my consultant about it next week.
I totally understand how you feel and I've just read your bio too. I was diagnosed in my early 60's which I thought was young! I was extremely short-sighted and cataracts started causing issues at the same time. By the time I was properly diagnosed, my pressures were 30+ in each eye and I had lost peripheral vision in each eye too. This was despite having annual checks at Specsavers due to my extreme short-sightedness and a family history of glaucoma. I felt very bitter about this as I felt I'd done everything I could to preserve my sight. It didn't help that the initial hospital consultant made me feel as if it was my fault.Thankfully, hospital checks since have been generally much better. I'm still driving though I know I only just qualify. Losing my licence is my biggest fear.
So good luck to you, and I hope your appointment goes well, and ongoing treatment is successful.
By the way, I use HYLO FORTE drops for dry eyes. They're very easy to insert and don't run everywhere. I gave up on celluvisc as they do run everywhere. Both were prescribed by my doctor.
Ah thanks for reading that! I thought it was about time I got some info in there 😂. It’s hard not to feel bitter when you look back but it’s best not to dwell. I think the focus on this disease should also be on the undiagnosed and all ages. People are so blasé about their eye health and don’t prioritise a simple check up, I include me back before I was diagnosed. I use Hyloforte too but I’m just finding it isn’t cutting it anymore. I also use gels like ocufresh or clinitas. I think with me, it’s just wear and tear of having treatment for so long