Has anyone else experienced the following after using eye drops with beta-blockers. I am using Eyzeetan. Felt a bit stressed out last night when I noticed that from the corner of my tear ducts to underneath the eyes - the crease where one gets what are charmingly called bags under the eye - are a greyish black. I know it said on the leaflet that one of the side effects could be a deepening in skin colour around the eye - but can believe it is happening (if it is of course) this quickly. I'm not vain but feeling pretty low to think that I will be looking as if I have put black eye liner in the wrong place. Also my tear ducts sting and itch most of the while. Any advice welcome.
Has anyone experienced discoloration around th... - Glaucoma UK
Has anyone experienced discoloration around the eyes

Hi Engima i have Fixapost it’s got a beta blocker in I havnt noticed any change. Sorry I can’t be more helpful
Hi enigma I use combination eye drop and I have discolouration around eye area but mine is red. I look particularly great as it's only one eye I use drops in !!! I used to focus on it too but now I don't even think about it. I don't have any other side effects at all so I consider myself pretty lucky.
I don't have dry eyes but could that be cause of itching and stinging ?
I do press my finger at the corner of my eye for 2 minutes after inserting drops but I'm sorry that I don't have any other advice.

Hi. Thanks for getting in touch. I suppose some of the black colour may be due to pressure when pressing a finger at the corner of my eyes. Perhaps I am pressing too hard! I've been using the drops for 9 days now and noticed a darker colour near the tear ducts after the first day's use. So may be I am pressing too hard (hopefully). Would have thought it too early really for the pigmentation to change but who knows. Have tried ringing the hospital several times today to no avail. None of the consultations secretaries work full time and have also tried the eye clinic - but no answers anywhere. Will have to try again next week to see if I have dry eye. Think I will buy some dark eye concealer, it might help hide the discoloration.
Definitely keep trying the hospital. If I am going out I actually use a Liz Earle eye cream which has colour in it to hide the discolouration. I can't remember how long I was on the drops before my eye area did start to go red. The good news it totally reverses once you stop the drops. Good luck with phoning hospitals

Thanks. Will take a look a the Liz Earle eye cream. Didn't realise that if the drops were stopped then the skin went back to 'normal'. I thought though that the drops were for ever, would be good if they weren't and ones eyesight wasn't at risk for stopping them!
I only stopped drops in right eye as I've had a trab, so only drops in left eye for me. I therefore have one red eye area and one normal !!! The eye cream is Liz Earle Instant Brightening and it really works for me as it evens out the appearance of my eyes.

Thanks. Will try some of the eye cream. Being new to this is a trap, laser treatment?

Just noticed typo. It should say is trab laster treatment!
Hi enigma an trabeculectomy is an operation which creation artificial drainage above your eyeball, it looks like a white blister and is covered by your eyelid. It's used normally when eye drops just aren't lowering your pressure enough. The Liz Earle eye cream is about £19, it's a small tube but it lasts for ages, I am still on my first one and I've had it for months. The great thing about it is you don't need to be wearing make up as it just covers very naturally.When I remove it in the evening I am always shocked at just how red my eye area is. It works well for me.

Thanks. Don't think I like the sound of trab! I have sent for some of the Liz Earle eye cream so hope it does the trick for me too.
Trab wasn't pleasant but bearable and it means no drops, I am probably having one in left eye too. Fingers crossed cream works for you too. I love it but all I use is Liz Earle skincare.
My eye drops say skin discolouration is a side effect if the drops. The skin round my eyes looks dreadful
Sorry to hear that. I am going to try some camouflage!
That’s what I do but I’m not very good at it. Haven’t found the right cream yet. It gets expensive!
I don't usually wear make up at all - used to wear a little eye shadow when going out. But haven't worn any for two years now! Someone else on here has recommended Liz Earle brightening eye cream which has some colour in it. So may try that first if it is not too expensive (but it is sure to be). If I find anything that helps me at a reasonable price will let you know in case you want to try it too.
I thought I’d try the liz Earle but she is expensive. Yes let me know if you find anything.
I looked on eBay and found someone selling a double pack of Liz Earle (two eye creams) for £18.45 so have sent for them. They are normally £22 for one tube.
That’s a good deal
UPDATE: Hi Joanbill13. The Liz Earle eye cream arrived on Tuesday and I have been using it since then. Unfortunately it hasn't covered the black places under my eyes or near the tear ducts. Thought I would let you know so you didn't waste any more money if you were thinking of trying the cream. All I can say is hat I have plenty of eye cream now!
Thank you so much for letting me know ! Very kind of you. I have Estée Lauder youth brightening serum + con sealer. Had it ages and it’s not bad. Can’t remember how much. Probably quite expensive. It works quite well but I find it runs into my eyes and makes them water so don’t use it all the time only when I want to look reasonable 😀
I have used Lumigan (Bimatapost eye drops for years. I have pronounced darkening around my eyes. I use Avon eye concealer cream and find it very good. If I don't use it people tell me I look tired. I am now on Timolol as well.
Hello. It is more likely to be the Bimatoprost in your drop which is causing the discolouration of your skin. If you are unhappy about this and not keen to use the concealer, you could contact your consultant to see if you can change your drop. All eye drops have side effects unfortunately, although you may not experience any but a drop which doesn't cause this particular side effect, might be another answer. Do bear it in mind.

Thanks Helen. Going to have another try at contacting someone at the eye clinic tomorrow. As I am also experiencing stringing, burning, itching etc - particularly bad on Friday as it felt as if my eyes were on fire all day and night, will see what they recommend.
Have you got preservative free eye drops. My eyes stopped itching with them. I’ve got Ganfort and Bimatoprost. Doesn’t help skin darkening though
Yes they are preservative free but contain Bimatoprost and Timol. The eye clinic has now changed my drops to Llantanprost preservative free but haven't received them yet. But of course the side effects mention skin darkening, eye colour change, hair growing on ones cheeks..... Just hope not!

Hi Helen. Finally managed to speak to the eye clinic today about the trouble i have been having with my eye drops (although, naturally, they feel a bit better today!). They are going to speak to the consultant and get back to me. As I am a veggie who only eats fish about twice a month, wondered whether an Omega 3 supplement might help me at all. Obviously not with the glaucoma but perhaps with the eye drops' side effects.
Enigma I'm vegetarian too and I don't eat fish at all, I sprinkle chia seeds on my porridge, eat lots of green leafy veg and take Holland and Barrett Flaxseed Oil Capsules to make sure I get enough omega 3,6 and 9. They are beneficial for eye health, I have no side effects from either of my combination eye drops apart from discolouration around eye area but I couldn't say if the flaxseed oil capsules have any part of this.

Hi again. I'm going to send for some Omega 3 and could also try the Flaxseed oil. I always sprinkle sunflower seeds, flaxseed powder and also prunes on my cereal. But will definitely try your suggestions.
The Holland and Barrett Flaxseed oil capsules have omega 3,6 and 9 in them , I use the vegetarian ones and at moment it's buy one get one for a penny. I can't eat prunes though I know they are good for you.I also sleep on my side but position myself so my face isn't squished into pillow. I did ask my consultant who is a glaucoma specialist about side sleeping and he was fine with it. The only thing he told me not to do anymore was inclined yoga positions, so I always make sure my head is never lower than my heart with any exercise I do.
I know valfrance does use protective glasses or goggles she might be able to help regarding type etc.
I hope the hospital do get back to you today.

Hi. Good to know that you too sleep on your side. Just heard from my doctor's surgery. They have had a letter from the eye clinic who want to change my eye drops. Instead of a combination eye drop it will now be a single one - Llanaprost (do not know how it is spelt). So something else for me to worry about now in case it makes matters worse.
I have heard of it but no idea how it's spelt either. Fingers crossed your eye can tolerate it and it keeps your eye pressure down. If you have side effects which hopefully you won't just get right back onto hospital
Hi Engima. Glad you have managed to speak t someone at the hospital. Yes, Omega 3 and Flaxseed oil are good to take, especially for dry eyes. If your eyes are dry, it can make the burning sensation worse when putting glaucoma drops in. Always leave about half an hour between your glaucoma drops and dry eye drops, that's if you are on artificial tear drops.

Thanks Helen. Will send for some Omega 3 and Flaxseed oil to try. I do use flaxseed on my cereal but not oil. Another question - I tend to lie on my side but am trying to sleep on my back (difficult) and always end up on my side. I'm careful not to press my eyes into the pillow though. Is there any type of eye protector that may be useful?

Hi Helen. I've looked at Omega 3 supplements, but it a mine field knowing what strength to take etc. Are you able to recommend any Omega 3 supplements please?

Me again, sorry. Just heard from my doctor's surgery. They have had a letter from the eye clinic to say they will be changing my eye drops from Eyeeztan (combination drops) to a single based eye drop, Llanaprost (do not know how it is set). So hope the change does not make matters worse for me.
I don't know of any eye protector and don't really think it is necessary. Sleeping on your front is best to avoid but otherwise sleeping on your side should be fine.I wouldn't be able to give you which Omega 3 supplement to get but would advise a visit to somewhere like Holland and Barrett for their advice.
All the best with the the new drops and hope they are okay for you. Definitely worth trying.

Thanks Helen