Can anyone help me find a pharmacist that can supply the Iopidine preservative free eye drops that I was prescribed on March 26th. Boots after three attempts have said they can’t get them, phoned eye hospital today and they have said I need to find them as they can’t help me even though they prescribed them. I really don’t know what to do? Guess I have to phone all pharmacies and then go back to the hospital if I have no success. Just worried that it’s already April 6th and wondering what is happening to pressures. I’m on timolol and monoprost however pressures doubled in right eye and therefore need for another med too. Any help appreciated x
Where can I get Iopidine preservative free eye... - Glaucoma UK
Where can I get Iopidine preservative free eye drops?

Sorry you're having to deal with all this, surely the hospital could have given you a different drop just to tide you over until you can source the Iopidine, does the hospital have a pharmacy you could contact
Hi Jennymary I was really surprised that they left the ball in my court. I will try tomorrow and if I have no luck I will try again with the eye hospital. It’s quite exhausting trying to get the meds sorted let alone deal with the glaucoma however I do know I have been really supported over the 20 years it’s just the last six weeks that have been crazy x
Hey. I’ve been in this situation in the past but it’s always been subsequent prescriptions that have been difficult to source. I’m in Scotland now but was under Moorfields for ten years and if a new drop was prescribed, they always gave me the first one from their pharmacy. I’m not sure where you are based and obviously there is a pandemic but if your eye clinic have given you the prescription then can you head back there in the morning? If pressure is not stable then I know this is going to be really worrying for you. If you are able to get first batch from hospital then it surely will be easier to source when it’s not urgent. Either they give you the drops or they will need to give you something else. Good luck, I hope you manage to get it sorted.
Hi Sunshine, sorry to hear you are having such an awful time trying to obtain these eye drops. I too am surprised the hospital are being less than helpful. Did you phone your consultant's actual secretary as I have always found that the easiest way to have any issues resolved. If you don't have secretary's number the eye hospital would surely be able to provide it.It will be exhausting trying to sort this out while being concerned with your glaucoma and eye pressures.
I had issues initially obtaining Simbrinza and I could feel myself getting stressed prior to putting in repeat prescription every month so I definitely empathise with you.
I hope you are able to resolve this today and wish I could do something practical to help. X

Thanks Witchie I’m normally sooo positive however I’m tired and getting anxious. I’ve phoned all local pharmacies as the hospital told me to do and discovered there is a manufacturing issue so no Iopidine preservative free eye drops available! Spoken twice to the hospital and awaiting a further call back. Discovered in med notes that were read out that they are considering further laser treatment. Also discovered the last letter from the hospital which went to my GP I hadn’t been sent a copy of. So it’s been a morning of chasing, like you say when your worried and need support it’s so hard to keep having to be the person who has to sort everything out, I feel for so many people who probably just give up, bless them what hope do they have. Thank you for your support it’s so appreciated x
Goodness it's pretty difficult to remain positive with all this going on. You have had a busy morning trying to remedy all this mess and yes it will be totally exhausting mentally as I'm sure you feel you are going round and round in circles.Hopefully the hospital and preferably the consultant will contact you this morning. I wonder why you were not informed they were considering further laser treatment and you have only found out by default.
A lot of people who just have no fight left in them will just give up I do agree, which is really awful and I feel for them too.
Support I can always give, fingers crossed all this is sorted out soon. X

Thank you so much your reply has brought tears to my poor old eyes in a happy way 😌
Och now you're making me cry too. 🤣

Hello. I've just been in touch with the manufacturer Novartis for you. They have told me there is no problem with production or supply and the problem lies with the wholesalers (this is not unusual) They have told me that there is nothing stopping the pharmacist from calling them for a supply to be sent directly to them but this is where there could be a problem. If the pharmacy is a large chain such as Boots there is a main office order system so you local branch would not be able to order from them directly but they could advise the order dept. If it is a small independent pharmacy there shouldn't be a problem. They would just have to open an account with Novartis for this to happen. Every pharmacist has a monthly quota from their wholesaler so if something runs out within this time they have to wait until their next month begins.
Trish that’s fantastic! Thank you so much! I’ve just got to get the strength up to persuade the pharmacist to make the phone call . Can’t tell you how grateful I am to you and this forum 😌
Your'e very welcome. Hope you get it sorted very soon and picked up the pm I have sent you.
Hi Trish I have tried yet again this morning unfortunately to no avail, pharmacists weren’t willing to use number and order, the one that possibly would said she couldn’t because there was no concentration for eye drops on prescription and on her books they didn’t have facility to order preservative free. I’m exhausted I’ve come home feeling very low, I know it will get sorted and I know I need to phone the hospital again. First I really need to rest, I’m hoping hospital will come up with something else and not ask me drive 40 mins each way to get it, like they did last time! Hopefully my next post will be really positive , thank you so for trying to help me. 😌
That's such a shame. You shouldn't have to be doing all the chasing. Call the eye secretary, dig your heels in and tell them the situation and the urgency of it. The stress you are experiencing isn't helping.
That's awful, I really thought I would read in your next post that that all this was resolved . No wonder you are exhausted and feeling low, all this just eats away at your strength and positivity. This additional stress is the last thing you need.I really hope you can speak to your actual consultant and get this remedied now.
Virtual hugs to you. X

Hi Witchie just chased up hospital again as it was getting late. Now I’ve been told to continue on monoprost and timolol, they are not going to prescribe another med but see me in two weeks instead. It’s exhausting just getting the different answers all the time! So hopefully the two weeks will go smoothly and I will get an appointment. Again thank you for your support 🙏😌
Thank goodness you chased up hospital, although you should not have been put in a position where you had to. What a wasteful, stressful day you have had chasing your tail. Everything crossed that the next two weeks are crisis free and that you get your appointment.
I hope you can take time to relax a bit now after your exhausting day. X

Thank you Witchie got my feet up now totally exhausted. Take care of yourself as well 😌
What a terrible situation. I don't know if it helps in any way, but the pharmacy which supplied me with preservative free Iopidine was Paydens.
I've just read your reply to Sunshine and I found it very helpful and enlightening .It helped explain the issues I had for months with obtaining my eye drops (coincidentally also manufactured by Norvartis ) from my local Boots .Thank you.
So sorry to read your dilemma ! What a horrid situation , shouldn't be down to the patient to source meds that have been prescribed , no wonder you are stressed. Sending hugs
Iopodine gave me 3 corneal ulcers,so painful didn't realize it was that causing them