When I delivered my son he apparently 'came out' boiling hot. The hospital staff acted quickly and we were told he just had an infection and whisked him away to set up IV access for antibiotics. My husband and new baby boy then were brought back to me after this and we went to the post natal ward. The second day we were told our son had tested positive for strep B we were told this was a serious infection and they would continue the daily antibiotics, armed with iPhones we googled strep b and were of course devasted that this had happened to our son as we knew absolutely nothing about it. The next day or two they tested him again and his infection levels were rising we were told to prepare for the worst and told repeatedly how serious this was. There was talk about doing the lumbar puncture the next day but then a different consultant would say no wait for the next blood test results and after 5 or 6 days of this we were told his infection levels were dropping so a relief but warned they could rise again. Finally after 11 days my son and I were finally allowed to leave We were discharged after his last dose of IV drugs at 10pm on a friday night. I repeatedly asked how my son would be affected by this infection or what was their experience after a baby had had strep B but we were met with no advice except to watch how he developed ! We had no follow ups except for the standard hearing tests and he seems to be developing well and I am thankful everyday but any thoughts of having any future children remain just thoughts as it was truly the most terrfying and helpless thing we have gone through.
Our experience of strep b: When I... - Group B Strep Sup...
Our experience of strep b

Thank you for sharing your story and we are pleased your son pulled through and is growing up well. A very scary start to parenthood.
Our leaflet for parents may help answer some nagging doubts and your GP can advise if its possible to see a midwife or obstetrician Pre conception to discuss your understandable concerns. Certainly an early meeting with an obstetrician in a subsequent pregnancy to agree delivery and administration of in antibiotics in labour would help. Please also call us on 01444 416176 if you want to discuss any issue. Here's the link to the leaflet gbss.org.uk/filepool/2009_0...
Enjoy your previous son and the office has some lovely photos of Bonny babies born to mums who had prior GBS infected babies! knowing the risk helps prevent infection.