From the research I have done, the suggested treatment calls for the use of an anti-fungal (Sporanox) and a steroid. Which steroid do you recommend and how long should it be taken? My coughing is extremely bad when I laydown to sleep. Every couple of hours I wake up coughing so bad because of an extreme amount of phlegm build-up. After 10-15 minutes of violently coughing up the phlegm I lay back down and try to sleep but have troulbe breathing. This has been going on for about 6 weeks. I went to the dr. 2 weeks ago and was prescribed antibiotics and steroids. The steroids helped very much but my prescription has ran out and all the symptoms have returned. Which steroids do you recommend and how long should they be taken?
My symptoms match that of having the ... - Aspergillosis and...
My symptoms match that of having the Aspergillus fungus

Hi Hulube\72
Have you been tested for aspergillus? It can show up in your blood tests and your sputum. Sporanox is an extremely good drug which successfully works for some. It didn't for me and I have been on voriconazole for a few years. It has helped me as I thought I was on my last legs before I started it. Do you have bronchiectasis? I do and have copious amounts of sputum like you. I think you should see a chest consultant about your concerns as your gp isn't the person to treat aspergillus. Hope this helps.
Yeas I have had bronchitis for a couple of years and also feel as if I'm on my last leg. I desperately need to find something that will help me sleep through the night. The steroids really helped but I'm concerned about the long term effects. Do you any steroids or just the voriconazole?
I have been on prednisilone for 42 years, with a break of about a year in all that time. I am on it for life now. But just a maintanence dose of 5mgs daily. Sometimes when I have an exacerbation I am on 40mgs.
I didn't mean bronchitis, I meant bronchiectasis which causes lots of phlegm and a terrible cough.
Thanks so much for your response, I really appreciate all your help and sorry for the late reply. Yes I have a constant cough which gets much worse when lying down with lots and lots phlegm. Do you experience any side effects from the long term use of predisolone?

As others have said this is a job for your doctors. If symptoms persist then go to your GP and they will be able to make an informed judgement about referral. If you feel that you have not been accurately diagnosed (because the current treatment is not providing a permanent cure) then tell your GP you would like to be further investigated.
Steroids are a standard treatment for some forms of aspergillosis (ABPA).
Thanks so much for your reply. I have a chronic lung condition and am trying to get it accurately diagnosed. The methylprednisolone (4mg) dose pk helped helped me very much but my symptoms returned when my prescription ran out. My question is, what are the side effects of its long term use?
As Graham stated you need to talk to the proper doctors. We are all different. the possible side effects are listed on the leaflet proved with the medication.
Not having health insurance makes it very difficult. My last doctors visits cost me the little money I have but only helped my condition temperarily. The only help I can get is from message boards like these. I'm very skeptical about the information given by the pharmaceutical industry and give more credibility to personal experience. Sharing your experience with these medications helps me a lot. Thanks again, best of luck...

Side effects of steroids
You need to ask your doc to sa send you to see a specialist but meantime ask that he sends you for a chest x-ray takes a sputum sample and some blood tests that includes the aspergillus test, which takes longer to get results. Good luck.
Not sure if i have redirected to wrong help site as nothing appears which relates to my problem