Ive been getting this discharge for awhile and it’s getting seriously annoying. I have mild itching, and no obvious smell. I was diagnosed with BV in October 2018, took antibotics, the smell went away and the consistency changed, but it never looked like this before I got BV... Help!!
Annoying vaginal discharge: Ive been... - Aspergillosis and...
Annoying vaginal discharge

This group is for questions about fungal infections. The people at the Fungal Infection Trust are not medical doctors, consequently, all we can do is advise you to see your doctor if at all anxious about any health condition, particularly those with no apparent reference to fungi.
You had bv? How as it diagnosed? You took antibiotics for it? Maybe your partner needs treating? This article might help xx
So when I’ve gotten bv in the past the antibiotics always give me a yeast infection so just tell your doctor and have them proscribe you diflucan! Also don’t have sex with your partner till all your antibiotics are gone, the bacteria just dies off on the penis so he doesn’t need antibiotics just wait to have sex so he doesn’t give it back to you it takes 7 days for the bacteria to die. I hope this helps 🖤