Should itraconazole capsules taken as 200 mg. a day be taken all at once or split am/pm as when dosage was 400 mg.? Hannah Benson
When taking reduced itraconazole from... - Aspergillosis and...
When taking reduced itraconazole from 400 to 200 should you take?
Never been on 200mg a day but I imagine you’d get better cover if you continue to split the dose. That’s what I’d do.
Thank you...beginning to thing that I should have stayed on 400 mg. daily for much longer than 3 months...before lowering.
If you feel that, maybe email or phone your consultant to explain & ask if 6 months wouldn’t be better? I presume your bloods have shown your IgE levels have returned to normal, but if you’re still symptomatic he/she needs to know
Hi...I spoke with my pulmonologist and I have worsening congestion by the day. I was upped from 5mg. pred to 10mg. ...Now told to take 10mg Prednisone am 10mg pm...(20 daily)
I should have stayed on itraconazole 400 (200 am/pm) but the reduction to 100am 100pm just is not working...Dr. said my blood levels are 1.7 and that should work but since it doesn't ... he just told me to take 200 mg.itraconazole am 100pm. that is 300mg. a day instead of 400mg. which was the original dose I was on for 4 weeks and it was working before Dr. lowered dosage to 200mg a day....don`t understand the logic of going to 300 instead of returning to 400 daily itraconazole Is this ever done? I know the balance in these anti-fungals are complex. Do not have an advocate ...or medical rep.... just the Pulmonologist who seems to be guessing a lot. Not that many patients with ABPA. If you do have a representative or advocate..please ask for me if this all sounds like a usual procedure. Thank you so much
My consultant said night and morning, not all at one time
Hi...thank you for asking your consultant. My reduced itra. is just not working but instead of putting me back on original dosage of 400mg. daily (200am/pm) Dr. said take 200 am and 100 pm. of itraconazole. Has your consultant ever heard of taking a split this way or taking 300 mg. for ABPA? I have had to go back on 20 mg. daily of Pred. as my lungs are very very congested and asthma as bad as ever. I should have just stayed on itra. at 400mg.
Blood level test for Itra. was 1.7 and Dr. said that means the itra. is working but it is not. It only worked at 400...don`t know why he doesn't`t just put me back on original dose 0f 400 instead of 300....I know there is a balance to be had and this drug taken in a certain way...please ask consultant if I am doing the proper dosage to increase to 200 am 100 pm itraconazole. Thank you so much