I am from India . I am having aspergillosis and taking Itraconazole 200 mg twice a day from past 2 months. My problem is still I am having blood coated mucus often, other then that every thing is normal, but Weight loss also there. Next what I have do ?
Aspergillosis : I am from India . I am... - Aspergillosis and...

Weight loss does happen with this condition , are you seeing a consultant regularly . Also a dietician could help you with supplements . The haemopysis is part of it , if that happens too much get checked out as there are things to help
Thank you for your response , I am regularly consulting my Pulmo doctor and also doing my liver function test for taking Itraconazole, now supplements,B12,&D proscribed, and I am having haemopysis also , I am worried about it
My husband had exactly the same haemopysis , and after a while on Itraconazole it stopped . How often are you seeing your pulmonary doctor ?
Monthly once I am seeing by Pulmonary doctor along with liver test reports as he advised, how much time normally takes Itraconazole for stopping haemopysis.
It does vary person to person , my husbands stopped quickly a week or so after starting it . He has been on them mostly constantly since 2013 . He had a biopsy of the lung which diagnosed it , he has an Aspergilloma too . Have you had X Rays / scans ?
Ask your pulmonary doctor if taking milk thistle is a good idea. I always take it when taking medications. My GP acknowledged it was a good idea when I was taking Itraconazole. I'm surprised they're treating you with this as the infection sounds like it need clearing as soon as possible & usually more than one medication is used in tandem. I would do some research yourself into treatments for your condition & question your doctor or get a second opinion e.g is enough being done?
Good luck & I wish you good health
Yes, I had X-ray,scan, bronchoscopy, and a biopsy too, after that he started Itraconazole
have the doctors tested to see if the meds are working? I know with fungal infections it can take weeks until improvement with skin but with the lungs they need to be cleared as soon as possible to minimise scarring. Have you discussed the persistent bloody mucus with your doctor yet as it needs to be cleared quickly I would have thought & are your iron levels good. If you are becoming underweight this will need attention with the right nutrition for your condition. Keep built up to be strong to fight off the illness with your immune system. It's a great sign that you're keen to help yourself .
Buna, sunt noua pe acest forum, la fel am avut si eu mucus cu sange, inca mai am dar s-a redus destul de mult. Nu am raspuns la itraconazol, s-a adunat pe partea stanga aspergilomul si atrebuit operat. Dupa 4 luni de itaconazol daca nu il schimaba cu voriconazolul muream, pentru ca nu mai mancam deloc, slabisem foarte mult, eram uscata, eliminam mult sange, si nu mai puteam sa ma ridic din pat. Dar deja era diseminat, inca nu am scapat. Inainte de operatie am luat voriconazol tablete si profesorum mi-a spus ca hempotizia imi pune viata in pericol. Pneumologul ar trebui sa te trimita sa faci ct sa vezi daca se poate opera. Eu am incercat cu produse de la nutramedix sunt facute in florida si are studii pe pacienti, pentru boala lime, dar unele dintre ele sunt pentru infectii fungice. Am inceput de 4 luni in paralel cu voriconazol inhalat, de aproape 2 luni nu mai iau voriconazol sau alt tratment sintetic si deja ma simt mai bine. Daca te intereseaza o sa iti spun cum am incercat eu. Dupa o luna nu am mai slabit. Nu ma scapat de frisoane sau redus considerabil, dar deja ma simt mai bine nu mai am stari de lesin toata ziua, doar uneori.