Has anyone had surgery to remove a fungal infection from the lung? If so, what are the pros/cons. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Aspergillosis Surgery : Has anyone had... - Aspergillosis and...
Aspergillosis Surgery
This is occasionally done to treat serious chronic infection such as Chronic Pulmonary Aspergillosis. We have several patients in our support groups who have had this done and might be able to help you. facebook.com/groups/aspergi...
The pro's & con's depend on your specific situation, it is difficult to generalise.
Buna eu am fost operata de aspergiloaza in opctombrie 2017 la plamanul stang, era adunat aspergilomul. Prima data am fost operata de bronsiectazie in 2014. Inca nu am scapat de aspergiloza dar ma simt mai bine. Mi-a salvat viata, nu am raspuns la tratamentul cu intraconazol si cu voriconazol. Deja scuipam mult sange cu mucegai, iar profesorul a spus ca imi pune viata in pericol. Era ultima solutie pentru mine. Sunt alergica incusiv la anestezice, dar nu mi-a fost frica de operatie. Recuperarea e grea, dar daca iti salveaza viata nu ezita. Daca ar trebuie sa ma operez din nou ca sa scap de boala as faceo. Dar in momentul acesta nu mai e cazul, deja ma simt mai bine si sper sa fiu foarte bine la un moment dat. Daca mai ai intrebari si te pot ajuta cu sugestii, iti pot raspunde cu placere. Si eu am cautat raspunsuri la alti bolnavi si unele chiar mau ajutat.
I was diagnosed with aspergillosis in April 2017, after having asthma and copd since 2007. Prior to being diagnosed I was constantly in and out of hospital with numerous emergency admissions, plus I had been on high doses of prednisolone for this condition for that time. Since starting on the ant-fungal medication, Itraconazole 100mg capsules, taking 2 x twice daily for the first 6 months then reducing to 2 daily, now on one, indefinitely. I have not had an admission to hospital since April 2017, and I have not been on high dose steroids since August 2017. I still get breathless, but nothing like I used to be!
Thank you all for the response!!!