I get terrible pain underneath My heels. I cant walk more than 20 mins before its too painful. They are also painful when lying down, along the back of them. I Have heard of people with psoriatic arthritis having this, but I have osteoarthritis. Could I have It in my heel bones? Anyone else got this?
Heel pain anyone?: I get terrible pain... - Foggy's "Invisibl...
Heel pain anyone?
Hi rowantree,You may have P.A.,I have and O A. They can "run" together. An exercise I was given,when lying or sitting point foot and toes then pull foot back so the toes are pointing towards your leg.It can take some of the pain away.
mine are too I HAVE inflammatory arfthritis or ra it could be tendonitis and plantar facitatis
Thanks. I do have cavus feet too and prob plantar facititis but ortho surgeon doesn't want to do anything cos success rate is low. I don't have psorisis tho, so can I still have PA? I do get itchy blisters on hands and feet. I have insoles cos my feet roll in, maybe I can get better ones for the heel pain too, but the podiatrist didn't want to help as I was waiting for a bunion op.
I have this problem and the laymen explanation was due to years walking on heels the muscle and tendons in feet and calves are too short, so when walking bare feet and in flats this pulls and irritates and eventually caused an infection in the heel, then at night when it doesn’t get pressure and has time to heal the position of your relaxed feet is making it worse this is because the feet in a relax and lying position pulls up like you are wearing heels and so the tissue heals to short, vicious circle. I got soft, heel only, insoles to ease the pain when walking and a splint for at night to pull my feet in a 90 degree angle with my leg. It helped and the pain is a lot less, BUT wearing heels from time to time or shoes without enough padding/foot bed increases the pain again. Guess it comes with getting older.
So it's probably plantar facilis rather than arthritis. Ill see if I can get night splints and better insoles. Thanks
Beaton what is your psoriasis like with pa? I do have small intensely itchy bums on my hands and feet, have had for ages, that come and go. Although they don't seem connected to the pain. I have the pain all the time.