I'm new here. For 3 weeks I have suffered from numbness in my left foot but despite being numb the electric type shocks that it manages to give have kept me awake at night. Nothing eases the pain and I'm on amitriptyline to aid sleep but it doesn't appear to work. I have an appointment to see a neurologist next week. I assume the condition is P N. Does anyone have advice to ease the pain?
Peripheral Neuropathy Pain. - Foggy's "Invisibl...
Peripheral Neuropathy Pain.
Have you had your B12 tested ? Sadly Docs do not test and when they do they declare the result normal - when they mean in range. Where you are in range is key and should be over 500 to prevent neurological damage.
I am awsy from the PC so unable to give you links. You can click onto my name above snd read my posts. There are several about B12 ......
hi janet71,yes if you get diagnosed with pn,you'll probably suffer with several types of pains/sensations or any other type of wording you can describe your symptoms that you like to use,I've suffered with this painful condition for over 4 years and have it in both legs and arms,it's something that I struggle with on a daily basis,nobody can tell you how intense the pain can be,I tried the amitriptyline journey but I ended up having severe night time headaches and nightmares,shouting out etc,it's a terrible condition /illness and I think I'm one of the 10% of sufferers whose problems won't go away,I've seen my GP several time and pain clinics but all to no avail I've been on pregabalin now and mirtrazapine,and lidocane patches for over two years,and I've tried every meds from the chemist,so your journey might be a long haul,but everyone is different so if your not happy with your meds again try something else I can't say you'll be pain free but be prepared for a difficult time and try and get as much information from the medical profession,good luck and keep us updated on your progress.
Blood test is fixed for next week. Thanks for your care.

Only spotted your Reply by chance on the News Feed If you click onto the Green Reply Button under the poster to whom you wish to reply - then they will receive an alert. I know it is confusing and I had to learn it to in the beginning
Do let me know how you get on .....
Blood test showed up nopr

was that no diagnosis? Ultimately blood tests and even a brain scan might not confirm possible peripheral neuropathy,I had every test possible,and cause of my life style and the symptoms I displayed certain tests and discussions with my GP were 99% sure that they are on the diagnosis,and yes my symptoms are still the same,so of course your worried it might be something else,I always was hoping that this condition/illness would go away,but I'm having to pay for living life in the fast lane,so be patient,discuss your concerns and if you've got PN you might have to try several medications to ease your symptoms,and hopefully you will find answers to your difficult questions good luck
mirtrezpane 30mg at night time is helpful,it's a drug that's used for depression,it works hand in hand for pn,I also put lidocane patches on each calf muscle,these contain a local anesthetic and stay on the legs for 12 hours,no doubt after seeing the specialist you'll be given more information,and if it is pn,ask about this medication,good luck and let me know how you go on😊
Hello, I have been suffering with diabetic peripheral neuropathy for close on three years, I went with the psychoactive drugs to help reduce the chronic pain, that seemed not to work to well. I continued doing research into any developments that may improve on the reduction of neuropathic pain and discovered trails being held mainly in the USA on vitamin D3. They where getting results better than placebo in pain reduction, there is an indication on how much vit' D3 to get into the blood for this effect to most noticeable, sorry just don't have the details to hand right now. I have been using vitamin D3 for over 6 months , started with 1000 iu pd then took it to 5000iu pd and now up to 10000 iu pd . You can ask for a blood test via your GP and ask for the detail of the D3 concentration in the blood, for me this working better than the other medications and with no side effects, all the information is out there, please do some of your own research.