Do anyone have heavy legs and numb feet caused by neuropathy? What have helped?
Do any one have heavy legs and feet c... - Foggy's "Invisibl...
Do any one have heavy legs and feet caused by neuropathy?

Yes I do. I am currently in rehab for balance and how to walk. I have to say it has helped so far.
Have you been diagnosed with neurapathy? I am numb from knees down, What else has helped?
Hi yes had PN for about 3ys now. Legs are heavy and feet are numb can walk indoors with stick but not outside I need a walker for that. Mine PN is severe.i haven’t really found anything to ease this condition.
Hi there, I have had Sensory Axonal Peripheral Neuropathy for four years, no known cause, over this time the numbness crept from my toes up to my knees in both legs, and from my fingertips to my elbows. I took no medication for this until three months ago when the burning in my legs and feet at night (mainly) became unbearable. I could not tolerate Gabapentin or Pregdalin (spelling) because they made me feel so ill, so I am now taking Nortryptiline two 10mg tablets per night before bed. Non habit forming and they are also an antidepressant (my husband has Vascular Dementia).
I find these pills to be wonderful for me.
When I was taking vitamins (for four years) to help my tingling and numb legs and arms, the main ones I took were 'Benfotiamine 150+ Alpha-Lipoic Acid 300' .. these helped stop the nerve pain. Plus B-12 and Folic acid, and of course vitamin D.
I also have a running machine in the garage I am a young age seventy six, I take a brisk walk on it every morning for ten minutes. and ride my exercise bike in the afternoon, and of course I am busy during the day with housework and looking after my husband. I have read that exercise keeps your neuropathy at bay as much as it possibly can, and I truly think it has worked for me..
Sending you (((hugs))) and I hope this helps x
Hi there, to explain my illness as mentioned above .. it means that the Axonal nerve (this is the main nerve that runs from my knees to my feet, and from my elbows to my hands) have died! They died slowly over the period of a couple of years, and because of this all the small nerves leading off from these Axonal nerves (the sensory Peripheral nerves) are dying too.
When I walk it feels like I'm walking on sponge because of the lack of feeling in my feet.
So my symptoms are lack of sensory feeling in my legs and feet (it feels as if I am wearing wellingtons) and my hands and arms (it feels as if I am wearing gloves)
But my Motor Nerves are fine.
As mentioned.. walking could become a big issue for me, it can become a problem to be able to walk.
But it seems it can be held at bay with exercise ... so I exercise every day .. and when I can at home I don't wear anything on my feet so walking around my home helps to keep them supple. Housework keeps my arms and hands moving okay.
So No ... I don't have any walking issues up to yet! I walk normally without any aids whatsoever.