Hope you wont mind me joining ? I've been lurking for a while but decided to take the plunge.
Long story so please bear with me. I've never been formally diagnosed with FND but the neurologist I saw about migraines and my ongoing balance symptoms said I had aspects of FND.
I have Fibromyalgia and Ehlers Danlos, a genetic condition which causes joint hypermobility, among many others. I know some with EDS can be prone to clumisiness as having EDS can cause a lack of proprioception, awareness of where you are in space. But I never experienced any difficulties and never had balance issues before.
In April 2022 I had a migraine the day before. I have had migraines with aura since teenage years but they were very sporadic and infrequent. I got diagnosed with hypothyroidism in 2020 and my migraine frequency and intensity massively increased. I probably had more migraines in those two years than I did in my previous 50.
I had a migraine, which was just my normal type. The day day I was walking home and went i to a supermarket. I started to feel off, like my balance was wrong, like walking on a trampoline. It was very unpleasant and disorientating. I hoped it was just the after effects of the migraine.
Sadly though it never went away. I mentioned it to the Neurologist who I was seeing coinidentally for something else. He said it could happen after a migraine but hopefully it would resolve. I tried various treatments from my GP, Betahistine, Stemetil, but got little relief. I asked to see the Neuro again as I wondered if I had vestibular migraine.
This diagnosis was agreed on ( rather too quickly for my liking) I did query PPPD as well but was told the treatment for both was virtually the same, low dose antidepressants. I started on Sertraline but found the side effects pretty unbearable. I then tried all the usual primary care options, Propranolol, Amytriptyline, Nortriptyline. Had to abandon all of them due to side effects.
My GP was in contact with the Neuro who then suggested Candestarten, a BP drug. That didnt work either. By this point I'd asked for an ENT consult to check it wasnt anything like Menieres. I'd also joined a very informative forum for PPPD, VM and other dizziness/ balance issues. Its an international site and in the US, an SNRI called Venlafaxine was being used more and more for these sorts of conditions.
ENT concluded no Menieres, hearing loss, tinnitus etc, suggested PPPD and referred me for some Vestibular Physiotherapy. I knew it would be a long wait so decided to give the Venlafaxine a go. I was on it for nearly 11 months. I started off very low and slow and gradually titrated upto 112.5mg. I tolerated it better than some of the others but it had little effect on my balance issues and the constant nausea was unpleasant.
I decided end of last year that it wasnt helping so came off it very gradually. Summer 2023 the Vestibular Physio contacted me. She's very good but they were phone consults only and therefore rather limited. Vestibular Physio is specialised and provision on NHS is very patchy. There are lots of NHS trusts where its not available. I am in contact with her again and have a follow up call next week.
I guess my issue is that I've been told its VM by one doctor, PPPD by another, the vestibular physio thinks additionally some of it could be cervicogenic dizziness or neck dizziness due to my EDS, which can cause spinal instability in the neck.
Its confusing being told all these different things. I dont feel its really VM as that has quite specific criteria. PPPD usually follows on from either a vestibular condition like labrynthitis or vestibular neuritis, neither of which I had. Neither was I anxious or depressed before hand, another risk factor. I've done a heck of alot of reading these past two years to tryand figure out what's happening.
I dont feel my symptoms really fit anywhere. Currently I'm not on any meds. I am prescribed Clonazepam which does really help with the balance problem, but Benzos arent ideal long term due to addiction concerns so I try to use them sparingly.
Additionally I've done vestibular/ balance exercises,taken antihistamines, tried cutting out caffeine and other lifestyle changes. Even tried CBT to see if I could change my thinking and mind set. I've thrown everything at this.
I just feel like whatever I have has taken over my life and its horrible. I hold my hands up to feeling anxious and depressed now. I've gone from someone who was fit and active to someone who sits around because standing up or moving immediately sets off the trampoline sensation.
Thanks for reading.