Did anyone see how those with covid are having neurological disorders, covid is linked to blood clots. They now use blood thinners to treat it, as well as other treatments, I suppose it depends on the patients other health problems. They say there will be an upsurge of Parkinson's disease because of covid. I constantly get blood clots in my heart, then my FND symptoms started to appear, slowly. Mine has been progressive, slowly but surely making life difficult. I'm on blood thinners for 10years now. But I still get clots, cardiologist knows me so well, when I get referred to him, he just phones me up, then books me in for another angiogram. Anyway I'm interested in your thoughts on the subject.
Link FND to blood clots??: Did anyone... - Functional Neurol...
Link FND to blood clots??
I do wonder if there's a cardiovascular link. I've been diagnosed with an LBBB, which is a left side blockage in the heart. It's only induced by exercise though, so they aren't treating me for it. I also have a kinked internal carotid artery in my brain, but they say that's not a problem either. I have a lot of heart disease/strokes in my family, but it's like, once you've been diagnosed with FND (or as my doctor insists on calling it "conversion disorder"), they just throw everything in that bucket. I have an enlarged thyroid with a nodule, and I can't get that followed up either...
I'm sorry that they are not looking further for you. I didn't have family history of heart problems, but I'm diabetic. I sometimes think doctors only see what is normal for them, if you don't fit, you get bypassed. I finally found a great doctor that is very thorough. Hope you get some help.