I got my vaccination at 3:10 yesterday was rudely awoken by some pretty crazy tremors shaking,migrane and vomiting.I’ve woke up this morning and have a sore arm and a headache.I felt like the vaccine definitely triggered my symptoms, but it will pass, my Dad was in hospital with covid and feel like I’ve had a bit of a window with what it’s like on a much smaller scale,Its not nice when our symptoms flare up I get that but I reckon if u didn’t have it and caught the virus your symptoms would be much worse than the side effects of the jab.x
fND and vaccinations : I got my... - Functional Neurol...
fND and vaccinations

Absolutely so it’s a no brainer isn’t it. I hope your back to your normal self soon
I had my jab yesterday too and so far not feeling too bad. My stomach was a bit upset but that's nothing unusual for me. The doctor said younger people tend to have worse side effects, just like they can have worse covid symptoms. Hope you're feeling better now anyway.
Will be honest head is still thumping and it’s pretty intense.I know a few people who have had the vaccine and they advise for you to sleep off as much as you can,hope everyone is safe and well.I haven’t been on for a while so it’s nice to get a response so quickly,my symptoms for FND were at one point insane I’m 3 years down the line and symptoms have gotten better along the way.Never give up with this illness,it is treatable and in some cases beatable,we are all warriors in our own right,I’m proud of each and every person who musters the strength to face the bad days,my FND kings and queens xx
Hi , I had the Pfizer injection i had a very painful arm and headache plus my arm was swollen, everything is fine now they did explain that it would be painful for a few days and gave you leaflet on the jab and possible side effects x
Thank you (all) for sharing your experiences with the vaccine! You guys are my only way to gauge how it might cause my symptoms to flare up. I’m moving in a couple weeks & plan on getting my shot when I’m settled in at the new place.
Charlie, it’s been a few days so I hope you’re recovering well.
My dad has been breaking out in hives since his shot (4 days ago). Have any of u noticed any skin sensitivity since your vaccination?
I spent the first 48 hours sleeping after my jab and discovered some small purplish marks on me that looked like they’d been placed with ink! Long story short A and E (111 sent me) positive blood result for blood clotting, ultrasound no clot found.
So then the whole debacle on the day ward of why are you here?!!
Because your medical procedures and evidence showed a problem is what I should have said...
A nurse had advised I get a repeat blood test in a week... When I asked on day ward before we left about follow up I was met with, “what’s the point of that? if you get another blood test and it’s clear there’s nothing wrong if it isn’t we don’t know what’s wrong!”
It’s very hard to seek medical support if you feel like a time waster. So I haven’t followed up. There is a family history of Auto immune illness so I guess my system revved up?
Everyone else at hospital was brilliant, the consultant initially was amazing and told me my bloods would almost certainly come back normal and then came to find me to express his surprise that hey hadn’t - he ordered the test cos he’d worked on the covid ward and took the time to see me as a person.